Jokes : Harry Potter

13 5 0

1) How long do owls live?
6 1/2 books!
2) On a scale of 1-10, how good is the Harry Potter series?
9 3/4
3) If you don't vote for this book,
There's something siriusly Ron with you
4) How does Voldemort keep his breath fresh
5) How long are people going to love Harry Potter for?
6) Hermionephobia
The fear of being killed, or worse, expelled !
7) What's Harry Potters favourite coffee ?
8) How do you find Hermione in a crowd ?
Say wingardium leviosAaa
9) Where does Hagrid buy his coffee?
10) Why was Voldemort scared of Dumbledore?
Nobody nose!

I think that from now on, I'll start posting one joke per part, and update daily (or as often as I can)

Again, pls feel free to dm suggests to me xx

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