Jokes: @niamhkill

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This part is for my best friend niamhkill , as without her, I probably wouldn't have started using Wattpad again, let alone 70 followers!
This chapter of jokes is all about 5sos, Tom Holland, TØP, 1D and our inside jokes!

1) What do you call a really short summer?
5 seconds of summer!

2) If Luke , Ashton, Michael and Callum were a condiment, which one would they be?

3) What did Tom Holland say to all his fans when it rained?
You can stand under my umbrella-ella-ella- eh eh eh

4) How do you blackmail Tyler Joseph into giving you free concert tickets?
Be a crazy fan and start acting bananas

5)What's purple and is stalked by Niamh?
Tom Holland, I lied about the purple.

6) -in year 7-
Niamh: I hate Sally*, she's been to my best friend.
Me, her best friend: Really, who?
Niamh: you, idiot!

7) What did the police officer say when he pulled over josh dun over for driving on the wrong side of the road?
Stay in your lane, boy.


9) What does Ashton Irwin yell every time he leaves a room?
Ashton Irw-out

10) Knock Knock
Who's there
Urine who
Urine-secure, don't know what for !

11) What is the worlds tallest species of giraffe?
Luke hemmings

12) Harry Styles' success rate only went in 1 direction. DOWN! (Sorry but I ain't even sorry. I don't really like 1D)

I really hope you all like this one, especially niamhkill   Pls vote, love you all xx

*the name has been changed to sally to respect the person it's about

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