Bunny Box

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Luigi awoke slowly, his vision blurry in a still-tired haze. He saw a tan face with what he was sure was a scar, with Oleander's mask off to the side. He closed his eyes for only a moment, opening them slightly his hands at his mouth. Something was there, like a muzzle for a particularly angry animal. "What... the?" He grumbled.
He blinked, his eyes focusing. He yelped in surprise as he got pushed into a small box. It was all so sudden, and it made no sense. He tried to get out, but he was stuck, and a door slammed in on him.
He was alone and uncomfortable for a while. He could barely hear. He couldn't believe he was thinking this, but he wished that he could hear Mayday while he was awake. He could then have someone to talk to. He sighed. He had to go along with it, for, apparently, his opportunity to escape was yet to arrive.
He buried his face in his ears, softly crying into them. He was scared, and unaware of what was about to happen. But, he had to wait. This might be his last chance.

[Author's note: yes, this chapter is much shorter than normal, because it serves as a transition to the next few chapters, which will have plenty more happening. I hope you understand.]

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