Chapter 1

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  When Scotty Palmer sat in a bus, it was a a cloudy and gloomy morning, but Scotty's mood hadn't been this good for a little while now.
  He was on his way to summer camp, where he had been going each summer for almost ten years now.
  On the chair next to Scotty sat a backpack and in front of it a suitcase with which he had struggled to get it on the bus. He stared out of the window as music played through the headphones he wore.
  Scotty was a rather pale and slim person, with medium lenght hair he had dyed black, it sat slightly messy on his head, under theheadphones. his head leaned on on hand, which had chipped nailpolish on his nails.
  A couple of seats in front of Scotty sat an elderly couple, a woman who was reading a newspaper from a tablet and a man who had fallen asleep and his head bopped along with the movements of the bus. They had stared at Scotty when he got on the bus and every now and again they had turned around to look at him, but they didn't say anything so Scotty pretended he didn't notice.
  He watched as the bus passed trees and even more trees. Everything looked alike here.
  When they passed a bus stop Scotty took out his phone to check which stop he had to take, he had taken the bus to the camp before but hadn't yet been able to remember the name of the busstop.
  Eventually drops of rain fell on the window, which quicly escalted to a down pour of rain, the driver turned on the windshield wipers, which only barely were fast enough. The sound of the rain was louder than the music, Scotty tried to turn up the volume but it didn't help.

  A few minutes later, as the rain was still pouring down, the bus had stopped at Scotty's stop, he pulled his suitcase behind him, his backpack on his bag, when he got out of the bus he stepped right in a muddy puddle, soaking his entire shoes and socks. He sighed but knew eventually he'd be soaked from head to toe anyway.
  He started walking at the side of the road, pulling his hood over his head and the bus drove away again, splashing water on Scotty.
  He would have to walk about twenty to thirty minutes before reaching the right path in the woods which led to the camp. As he dragged his suitcase behind him, he kept a close eye on the signs by the road letting them lead him to the camp.
  As he walked his socks sogged in his shoes.

  A couple of cars pass from behind him, the last one slowing down next to Scotty until it's driving the same speed as Scotty had been walking, the window at the passenger side lowered.
''Scotty?'' Scotty looked up to his friend Izaak Prince, his smile just as big as he remembered, his dark skin seemed to glow slightly even in this little and gloomy light, his hair must shorter as last year, next to him, on the driver's seat sat his father, with the exact same smile that Izaak wore on his face.
''Hi.'' Scotty greeted them, answering their smile with one of his own. Scotty and the car had both come to a stop at the side of the road.
''Would you like a ride?'' Mr. Prince asked, Izaak had already opened his door, it had been an offer but Scotty need not to even answer, they wouldn't let him say no.
Izaak opens the trunk and moves his own bags to make place for those of Scotty.
''No Yara this year?'' Scotty asks his friend, Yara was Izaak's younger sister, she had come to the camp two times, last year and the year before, though last year she hadn't seemed to enjoy it that much.
''Nah, she conveniently has other plans.'' Izaak chuckled as he closed the trunk, ''Come on, get in.'' and they get in the car, Izaak back to his seat and Scotty behind him, Mr. Prince looks at him through the mirror.
''How've you been Scott?'' Mr. Prince was pretty much the only one to ever call him Scott besides his parents, he didn't do it to be disrespectful, and Scotty didn't mind either.
''I'm good, sir.'' Scotty answered politely, the three of them made some small talk as Mr. Prince drove off again, past the woods, much faster this time.
''Am I going the right way?'' Mr. Prince asked his son, looking around to see the right entrance in the woods, there are a couple of paths in the woods, but they all looked the same.
Izaak took out his phone to check Google Maps, ''Er...'' he muttered, tapping his screen, ''a little ahead still, I'll say when we are there.'' His father nodded and continued driving, a little faster again, Izaak kept a close eye on his phone and the rode ahead, in the back of the car Scotty had zoned out and was staring out of the window and watched the trees passed by.
''Dad! This one!'' The car had come to a sudden stop, the breaks shrieked, which jerked Scotty back to real life, he looked up and saw they had passed the turn to the summer camp. Mr. Prince backed up and then turned right in to the forest and drove ahead. Scotty stared ahead through the front windshield, the trees passed and the car shook from all the bumps in the mud road, then he spotted a wooden sign, paint had chipped and it was clearly in need for some new paint, but when you were close enough you could still read it, ''Welcome to Pine Wood Camp!''
Scotty excitedly gripped the seat in front of him and Izaak turned around to face him, ''Damn I missed this place.'' He said, ''Language, Izaak.'' His father pointed out to him and he smirked at his father. 

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