Chapter 3

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  That evening had passed by quickly, and the three friends laid in the beds, fast asleep after the long first day at camp, they were simply exhausted. But eventually Izaak woke up, when there was just a single stripe of moonlight that shone over Scotty's bed, through the space between the curtains, Izaak sat up in his bed and he heard a soft crying, he turned on the light next to his bed,the light was weak, meant not to wake anyone else up, but it was enough for Izaak to see Cory cry in his pillow.
  Izaak made motions to get out of his bed, swinging his feet over the edge, ''Cory?''he asked, the soft crying stopped. Softly Izaak walked past Scotty's bed to Cory's, the floors groaned under his weight.
  ''Cory, are you alright?'' he kneeled in front of Cory's bed, Cory slowly sat up, his eyes red and watery, ''Yeah,'' he said, ''just a bad dream.''
  ''About your dad?'' Izaak asked, Cory nodded. Each year of camp Cory would get a couple of bad dreams about his father. Especially in the first week of camp. He wasn't doing very well, not after Cory's mother had passed away due to cancer, he had found comfort in alcohol and left Cory having to take care of him, rather than getting to mourn his mother's death himself, it had happened about four times now that about halfway through the camp he had gotten a phone call from a hospital or neighbors, telling him he had drank too much again and needed medical care, two times he had left camp to visit his father at the hospital, one of those times he came back to the camp after a few days when his aunts and uncles had promised him to look after his father, they had even offered to pay for the medical bills, even though Coryhad told them many times that they could handle the bills easily, his mother had left them both a lot of money.
  ''Try to get some sleep now.'' Izaak suggested, ''You can call him in the morning,he's probably asleep right now, so should you be.'' Cory nodded and took a deep breath.
  ''Thanks, Izaak.'' He said when Izaak had gotten back on his feet, he nodded and then turned around back to his bed, the wood groaning again. As he tried to fall asleep again he could only imagine the life Cory had back a home, he and Scotty had visited once, when his father was doing much better after rehab, but back then they had no idea what Cory was dealing with at home, if they did know Izaak would not have been allowed to visit and his parents probably would've asked if Cory would like to come live with them, they wouldn't have hesitated to take him in if it was needed. But now Izaak knew he probably would've refused, feeling obligated to be there for his father, and honestly Izaak admired that, but a child, a teenager shouldn't have to deal with that, he should've gotten a change to grief.

  The next morning Izaak got ready with Cory,Scotty had been up for a while and took a walk by the lake, from the window he could see him skipping rocks on the water, most of them didn't make it past one or two skips.
  The sun was already bright and it was warm so Izaak took a t-shirt and some shorts from his trunk he hadn't unpacked everything yet, unlike Cory who had neatly coordinated everything in his wardrobe, everything sorted at type of clothing and color, in a perfect pile, Cory alwayssaid this helped him deal with stress.
  Once Izaak was ready he took his from the charger and put the cable away, he then sat in the one chair that was in their room and waited for Cory who was brushing his teeth in the bathroom.
  ''Ready? I'm starving.'' Izaak got to his feet when Cory had gotten out of the bathroom. He took his phone from his pocket.
  ''You go ahead, I'll be right there, I'm going to call dad first.'' He answered, Izaak nodded, when he looked at Cory he could see the dark circles under his eyes, he clearly had had trouble falling asleep after the dream.
  Izaak nodded understandingly and he headed to Tree Point, as he closed the door of their cabin C5 behind him he could hear Cory say, ''Hi dad, Cory here.'' 

  When Izaak passed the B cabins he saw Ruth and Jane walking together, he called their names, they turned around, saw him come their way and waited patiently.
  ''Good morning.'' He greeted them, and the tree of them continued their journey to Tree Point.
  They entered the cafeteria where many seatswere already taken, they walked past the kitchen and he saw Evelyn through the big open window in the wall.
  ''Morning, Evelyn.'' Izaak greeted her,Evelyn looked up from the cups of yoghurt so was stacking on a table, ''Goodmorning Izaak!'' she greeted him in return, Izaak smiled and looked in the kitchen and saw Maya, Evelyn's daughter cutting up some bell peppers, ''You tooMaya.'' Maya smiled and waved with the hand in which she was holding a knife,her face turned slightly red when she realized and quickly put the hand down again. Maya was about 16 years old, she had been at the camp for about three years now, always helping out with her mother while getting to enjoy the camp as well.
  Ruth and Jane waved at them, then they went to find an empty table, shortly after Spencer joined them, they made some smalltalk, about the weather today, wondering what would be on the program etc. 
  Five minutes later Cory walked in the cafeteria and looked around to find his friends, when Izaak noticed him he started waving until Cory saw him and headed over to their table.
  ''He says he's all good.'' Cory informed just loud enough that only Izaak could hear, he nodded in response.

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