Chapter 12

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  The moment Izaak had let go of him Cory sprinted off and hid, deep in the woods, he ran and explored to find the nearest water, not all too far from them he had found a river with a current, he grabbed a rock nearby and chucked in in the water to check the depth of the water and then returned to the scene, he hid behind some trees and bushes, only just able to see the three figures, his body hurt all over but he had bigger thing to worry about right now.
He watched as one of the figures Cory knew to be Izaak headed to the other two. He watched as he held the second figure, Scotty and heard the echo of his sobs through the woods.
Cory sighed, at this rate they'd be there for a while, he should've acted faster, now he had to make sure Scotty and Izaak wouldn't get the chance to tell the truth and be believed.
A few minutes after Scotty's sobs had calmed down the two got to their feet and walked off, Scotty struggled with his left leg as they stumbled off slowly, Cory smiled, this would be his advantage, at the speed they were going Cory should be able to get rid of Ruth's body and get back to camp before they did.

When they had gone far enough Cory slowly got up from his hiding place and started sneaking towards Ruth's lifeless body.
''Woah!'' Izaak exclaimed, Cory dug down, trying to find cover, he heard them talk but couldn't hear what they were saying.
Carefully from his hiding spot he dared to take a look, Izaak sat by Ruth while Scotty stood back, holding on to a tree to keep himself from falling. Coty sighed again, ''Leave for fucks sake.'' He whispered to them, and second later Izaak headed back to Scotty again, he waited for them to be out of view when he got up once more. He waited a moment to listen for footsteps, nothing, then he put the jacket that still lay on Ruth's wound over her head and grabbed her under her armpits, dragging her with him, back to the place he had chucked the a rock in the water, he took the jacket off her head.
''Safe travels.'' He whispered in her ear before pushing her in the water. She sank in the water and only her hair was visible anymore, a haze of red floated from Ruth through the dirty river water like a teabag in a cup of boiled water. He grabbed the jacket, he's have to get rid of that one elsewhere, and returned to get the rock, it lay in a puddle of red and though it didn't stand out around all the blood he had to get it, his DNA was on that rock and he had to get rid of it.

In the shadows he followed Izaak and Scotty, he was soon to catch up but the moment they had reached the river Cory ran past them through the woods, trying to stay out of sight from them. When he was sure he had ran far enough from Izaak and Scotty he slowed down and made way to the river again, once there he slowly lowered the jacket in the water, he had wrapped it in some rocks so it would fall to the bottom of the river, making sure to make as little sound as possible. Then did the same with the rock.

With the sun set the woods were covered in shadows as the sun had set.
Carefully watching his steps he crept back the path he had come from, hiding in the bushes, making as little noise as possible.
The evening was warm, and the warm wind felt nice on Cory's skin, even though his plans had been messed up, it had still given him a rush, it had been so satisfying watching Ruth stumble down, just became he had given he a light bump, he barely had to do anything. Scotty and Izaak weren't supposed to be near, to find out, he would've just left her there, bleeding out, but Scotty had seen, he could not have him and Ruth survive, if it were just up to Izaak and Cory, who would they believe? Cory had a feeling and thinking about the risk he was about to take got him exited.
Cory found the tree over the river, his friends no where to be seen so he quickly and quietly ran over the tree trunk and jumped on the ground.

He followed the path back to camp when he,from afar, heard to people panting, having a feeling he knew who they were Coryhid in the bushes once again, he followed them as the walked in silence, stayingaway from them as far as possible, only just able to see them struggle.
He hid and waited until the rightmoment, where they would be exhausted and weak.

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