Chapter 9

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  They all had gone to bed late that night and when they all had crawled into bed they fell asleep almost immediately as asoft, cool, breeze blew through the open window, making the curtains sway and the moonlight danced on the wooden floor of their cabin.
  On the left from the door Izaak snored quietlyand rhythmically, but that wasn't what woke Scotty. It took him a moment to adjust to the noises and the dark, but when he did he heard what had awoken him.
  In the back of the cabin Cory laid in his bed, softly whimpering.
  Scotty sat up in his bed, ''Cory?'' he asked gently, the crying stopped, but that didn't make Scotty feel any better, he swung his feet off his bed, the wood creaked under the weight of him and his bare feet, he looked over to Izaak, hoping he hadn't woken him, but Izaak continued to snore in the same rhythm.
  Scotty made his way to Cory's bed and kneele down beside him.
  ''Cory are you feeling alright?'' he asked with the same gentleness, Cory shook him head as he still laid in his bed.
  ''Do you want to talk about it?'' Scotty asked, he struggled balancing on the palms of his feet. Cory shook his head again.
  ''Are you sure?'' Then Cory opened his eyes and looked directly at Scotty, even in the darkness he could see his eyes werered and puffy.
  ''It's because of you.'' Cory whimpered, ''You did this.'' Scotty frowned.
  ''Did what? Cory?'' He started getting concerned, then Cory sat up and seemed to tower over Scotty.
   ''You hurt me.'' And he swung the covers away from him, revealing a pool of blood, blood dripped from Cory's pajamas' and his hands on to the bed, Scotty followed the stream of blood, which had started dripping down, off of the bed on to the floor, the puddle grew by the second, it reached Scotty's feet, he had done this? When? How? The blood was warm and sticky on his feet.
   Without a warning Cory stood up from the bed, Scotty fell back, in the blood puddle that had grown even bigger, his hands wet and sticky, he looked at them, his hands were gone, there was nothing but a red fluid which just left a silhouette of where his hands were to be.
   Scotty crawled backwards, not taking his eyes off of Cory who stumbled as he followed Scotty, his face pale, his hands trembling. Scotty wanted to say something, this had to be a misunderstanding, he would never hurt Cory, he had been mad, really mad but he wouldn't have, would he? But he didn't say anything, he didn't ask anything, his mouth just hung open, he continued crawling back until he hit the wall, leaving him nowhere to go. 
   ''My death.'' Cory's voice shook yet so softand gently, yet in so much pain, but he continued speaking, ''My blood. It's on your hands.'' Then his eyes rolled back slowly, and he collapsed to the floor, without another word he laid there, on his back, in his own blood, completely still, bleeding out. 
   ''Cory?'' Scotty whimpered, on his hand and knees crawled to Cory, shook him vigorously, which left even more blood stains on his friend.
  He looked at his hands again and Cory's words echoed in his head, his blood was on his hands, Scotty started sobbing and he tried to rub the blood off of his hands but it was no use, he himself had been stained in blood as well, he only made it worse.
  He looked at Cory, where was the blood coming from? He couldn't see a wound. Where? 
  He turned to Izaak, ready to beg him forhelp, to tell him he didn't do this, he couldn't have, he would've remembered wouldn't he? But Izaak still was asleep, still snoring, just a slight change in the rhythm, it wasn't  really rhythmically anymore.
  ''Izaak, help me.'' Scotty whimpered, utterly helpless.

  Scotty jerked away and sat up, his head pounding and heart racing. The moon still danced on the floor though the creaks between the curtains and Scotty looked around, he was in the cabin, Cory laidin his bed, the floor was clean, no sign of any blood, Izaak too sill snored rhythmically.
  Scotty sighed in relief, it had just been a dream, just a bad dream. He leaned the back of his head against the wall and took deep breaths until his heart had calmed down enough before trying to fall back asleep, yet he couldn't quite shake away the dream.

  The next morning Scotty was exhausted, he had continuously woken up and fallen back asleep, every time having to check up on Cory.
  Scotty moaned when one of his friends opened the curtains and he pressed his eyes shut not to be blinded. 
  ''Get up man, they saved you some breakfast.'' Izaak shook him awake. Saved him breakfast? Scotty thought, he took his phone, it was 9:30 AM he had missed breakfast, Scotty groaned again, but he got up and dressed, then left to get his breakfast as everyone else got started with their days, ''I'll catch up with you guys later.'' He promised them, he looked over to Cory, who smiled at him, alive and well.

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