Chapter 10

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  Izaak turned to follow the scream, it had stopped as fast as it had begun and he merely followed an echo in his head. He slipped and scrambled over all the loose rocks, barely able to keep himself standing.
He looked around, no Ruth to be found, no Cory either, had the scream only been imaginary?

A small hill with some trees and big rocks lay before him, he made his way there, crawling on hands and feet, when he reached the hill he heard people and the echo of the scream in his head faded.
The people there were in a heated argument, or at least one way. Cautiously hid behind a tree and kneeling down on one of his knees and he looked over the edge of the hill and sighed of replied when he saw Ruth, she lay on her side on the ground, her leg turned in an unnatural way, Izaak stared and though he saw something that looked like blood on her face but from where he sat he couldn't quite see her.
The people arguing now caught his attention, he turned around the tree slightly as the tree covered the people.
One of the people shouted at the other as he stood between the other guy and Ruth, he shouted but Izaak couldn't understand what he was saying, he turned a little more so he could see his face.
He spoke again, with a trembling voice, which seemed to be shaken by anger, ''You're sick!'' he determined, ''You're- you're.'' he took a step back from the other person when they took a step toward them, now Izaak was able to see who he was, the black hair that had fallen out of a ponytail still hid his face but still Izaak could distinguish Scotty, he still held the cut on his arm, had he come when they heard Izaak and Cory scream for Ruth?
Izaak turned to watch the other guy and saw the blonde, curly hair and slightly slouched and knew it was Cory, he waited patiently for Scotty to finish stumbling over the same few words. You're sick. What did he mean?
Izaak turned to watch Ruth again who still lay in the same position. Izaak frowned, what was going on? More and more they stepped away from Ruth and Izaak saw it as an opportunity to check up on her.
When he was sure neither of his friends had yet seen him he slowly and carefully made his way to Ruth, hiding behind trees and bushes.

He rolled Ruth over to her back so she faced him, and immediately took a startled step back. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath.
He faced Ruth, blood gushed out of a deep cut by her hairline, she looked dully up at Izaak but was still conscious, she looked at him as he tried to get her hair out of the way, but the thick waves just tangled around his fingers.
''What happened?'' He asked her, she didn't answer him. Izaak rubbed his temples and then saw the jacket around her waist, the jacked he had originally wanted to get for Scotty.
''I'm going to take the jacked from your waist and then use it to apply pressure to the wound.'' He explained to Ruth, but he had no idea how to do it, he had only watched people in movies apply pressure to wounds, one time when he was a kid he had helped his father by applying pressure to a cloth on his sister when she had fallen off the slide in their back yard but that had been years ago.
He began to untie the jacket which took a little longer than he had liked since his hands were shaking.
Come on, Izaak, get it together. He told himself, he got the knot loose. He tried to pull it from under her but on wouldn't cooperate, he pulled carefully, hoping not to move Ruth until he had a decent amount of the jacket to fold it a little and place it on the wound, Ruth pressed her eyes shut, her face had gone pale.
''Sorry.'' Izaak mumbled, he felt helpless, should he call for his friends? He looked up at them and still saw Scotty being angry, he flinched whenever he's make an angry gesture with his hands, Cory replied calmly.
Izaak looked away from them and focused on Ruth again.
''Are you still with me?'' Izaak asked, her eyes were still closed but she gave a slight nod. He reapplied the pressure on the wound. He looked at her arm which lay beside he head, some of her fingers bend back a little too far.
''Izaak.'' Cory had gotten closer to Izaak being closely followed by Scotty. ''Help.'' He said as he tried to fight Scotty off of him.
''Don't you come near her!'' Scotty tried to work him to the ground.
''Both of you stay the hell back.'' Izaak commanded his voice trembling, he felt the jacket get soaked with blood under his hands as he looked at his friends. ''Stay back Scotty.'' he warned when Scotty had dared to take a step closer and grabbed his wounded arm again, his eyes widened, though it did not seem like he wanted to come near Ruth and Izaak but rather away from Cory.
''Izaak, please, I promise-'' But Cory cut him off, ''Don't listen to him!'' Izaak frowned in utter confusion. Izaak looked down at Ruth and back at his friends.
''What the hell happened?'' He asked, Scotty and Cory began explaining their side of the story at the same time, trying to speak louder as the other until they began screaming, making it unable for Izaak to hear a thing they were saying.
''Shut up!'' Izaak said, shaking his head. Scotty shut up but Cory took the opportunity of this silence to explain what had happened.
''We were looking for Ruth and I saw her, and then him, right there.'' he pointed at the hill that lay next to the one Izaak had come from. ''I saw him push her down, he pushed her in the back!'' He looked from Cory to Scotty, both held his gaze, Izaak then looked at Scotty's arm, blood trickled trough his fingers from the cut and Izaak frowned, Scotty always had been such a kind person, he couldn't have, could he? He and Ruth were pretty close, he couldn't have.
''Izaak.'' Scotty said, Izaak looked him in the eyes again, ''Think.'' He had his teeth clenched onto each other, weather from anger or pain Izaak could not tell, maybe both, ''The hut,'' he held eye contact with Izaak and would not let Izaak look away, ''The bear, the rabbit.'' Izaak thought back and for a moment his frown faded.

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