☁︎︎𝑐ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 2☁︎︎

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She took a seat on my bed and started talking " so I may or may not be dating Anthony...." I looked at her in disbelief for a few seconds until speaking up " oh..um thats great Avani, I'm happy for you." I fake smiled trying to make it seem as real as possible, thankfully she bought it.

"Ok so you're not mad right?" "Nope not at all" i said fully lying. " well I'm going on a date with him so bye, love you." She said before walking out of my room. "Love you too.." I made sure my door was locked before I sat on my bed trying to hold back my tears.

She knew what he did to me, she was there the whole time comforting me. She saw how heartbroken I was because of him but yet she still decides to date him. Nobody but Ben, Mads and my family know what happened with Anthony, he said to never tell anyone aspecially the boys because it would make it "aWkWaRd".

About two or so years ago Anthony and I use to date, we loved each other. Our families sometimes would say we were soulmates, that was until one day he texted me saying 'we're done, I never wanna talk to you again'. It felt like I couldn't move when he texted me that, I dropped to the floor and started crying my heart out.

The worst part is everyday we have to act like nothing happened and we're just friends, even though sometimes I feel like punching him square in the face for what he did to me. He also never explained to me why he ended things which tears me apart inside.

I didn't realize I was crying until I looked down at my shirt and saw it was drenched in tears. I pulled my body to the bathroom to take a shower and freshen up a bit.


I changed into sweats and a t-shirt, then FaceTimed the group chat luckily they both picked up.

"Hey- jeez Blair what happened?" Mads asked as a frown appeared on her face. I stayed silent with some tears trickling down my face. " can you please tell us?" Ben said, I slowly nodded my head 'yes'. I began to speak "Avani is dating Anthony." Ben had a giant frown on his face and Mads looked like she was about to kill someone .

"We're coming over right now" he said and left the FaceTime. "I'll be there in a second, I'm going to beat Anthony's ass." Mads said and left the call before I could say anything else.

I went to the kitchen to get a bunch of junk food to eat and accidentally ran into someone. "Im sorry Blair" Kio said as he helped me up. " it's ok" I said quietly. "Why do you seem so sad, you're usually so cheerful?" "something happened but I don't wanna talk about it.." I responded looking at the ground "ok if you need cuddles you know where to find me." he said before hugging me amd leaving. "ok" i smiled a bit while watching him leave the room.

I had handfuls of snacks ready to go back to my room when Mads and Ben barged in and gave me a tight hug.
"Come on let's go to my room." I said after five minutes of hugging them. They nodded their heads in agreement and helped me carry all the food.

" I can't believe he would do that to you after everything." Mads said once we got to my room. "I can't believe Avani would do that too." Ben added. " neither can I, it bothers me how Avani did that even after seeing how heart broken he left me." I said to them. Ben said without thinking "well I guess he has a type." I cracked a tiny smile and sat on my bed.

We laid in bed and watched a ton of episodes of Drake And Josh until falling asleep. I woke up in the middle of the night and couldn't fall back to sleep, i didnt want to wake Ben or Mads so i walked down the hallway to kios room.

Lɪᴇs~ Dɪxɪᴇ D'ᴀᴍᴇʟɪᴏOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant