☁︎︎𝑐ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 3☁︎︎

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I parked alongside the road and walked up to the doors, I was about to knock but the door swung open and Addison engulfed me in a giant hug.

"hey Addie it's been a while." " yeah it has babes, I missed you." "I missed you too." We separated and I followed her to the pool. I've only been to the new hype house twice so I don't really know my way around.

There were maybe about twelve people up there so far and they all greeted me. I decided to sit with Ryland and Nick, the three of us went to school together and stayed friends after.

"Hey B what's up?" Ryland asked me. "Nothing really."
"mmm cool." "Hey Blair" "Hi Nick" we smiled at each other and continued to talk.

"Blair get over here!" Avani screamed to me. I huffed and swam over to the edge to get out. I wrapped my towel around my wet body and made my way over to her. "Yes Vani?" "Lets make a TikTok." "Really that's why you needed me?" I sighed and she shook her head excitedly.

Avani let me pick the sound and I chose The 3 Musketeers to dance to. It took us a couple tries because we kept messing up and laughing at each other. A few more people were here now and they brought food. I walked over to where they had the food with Avani and we just grabbed fries.

I looked around until I saw Dixie, Noah and Curtis waving me over, I gladly went over and sat with them.
"Hi guys." I said to them and sat next to Curtis. "Hi" they said at the same time which made us laugh a little. "I'm so glad you're here, you almost never come over" Dixie stated, the others shook their heads in agreement. "Yeah sorry about that, I'll try to come more often." "Ok how about the four of us do something tomorrow." "That would be nice, I'm not busy tomorrow." I said to her, The boys had the same responses as me.

I mostly hung out with them the rest of the time except for when Nick and I went to get snacks for everyone and made a TikTok together. Dixie, Curtis, Noah and I also made Tiktoks and I posted one with the caption "the group you never knew you needed" it got loads of likes and everyone was saying we need a name for our group.

The sun was starting to set so I decided to leave. I said my goodbyes and walked to my car, before I got in I heard someone shout my name. "Blair wait!" I turned around to see Noah jogging towards me. "Yeah?" "I was wondering if you could drive me to Sway." "Sure, come on" I smiled and flung open the passengers door before walking to my side and getting in.

I pulled out of my spot and began to drive. " thanks, can I play some music?" He asked me. "Yep" I handed him my phone and he looked up a song to play. When it started I was shocked a little but smiled at him. "I didn't know you like One Direction." I said. " I didn't know you liked them either." "Like? Bitch I love them" he laughed at me and we started to sing Midnight Memories.

It didn't take long for us to get back to Sway. I turned my car off and we walked inside. I could hear Josh's voice coming from downstairs, it sounded like he was filming a Teatok video. I followed his voice until I got outside the room they were in. I opened the door and jumped on them.

"Get your fat ass off me" Bryce said jokingly and pushed me on the floor. "Oww" I whined because I hit my head on the floor. Josh and Bryce laughed but Jaden helped me up, I sat next to him and waved to the camera. "Are you ok?" Jaden asked while feeling the bump on the back of my head. "No" I replied and glared at Bryce.

Josh stopped laughing and spoke up "so now that Blair's here, what do you think about your sister dating Anthony?" I gulped silently and put on a slightly fake smile. "I'm really happy for Avani and I think they make a great couple." "It's about time Anthony got a girl." Jaden added. Then Bryce said something that made me die inside "yeah he told us his last one was a crazy bitch." I smiled and nodded pretending like nothings wrong, right then and there I just wanted to let it all out.

"Ok I think I'm going to head to my room" I said quietly and left the room as fast as I could. Before I got to my room I bumped into someone and fell on the floor. "Oh sorry." Anthony said not looking up from his phone. I didn't reply and just got up to go take a shower, until he said "what's your problem?" His voice had annoyance in it.

"Really, what do you fucking think my problem is?" I glared at him. "Would you get over that already it's been two years." He finally looked up from his phone as he spoke. "I was over it until you started dating my sister, do you know how much that hurt me?" "I honestly don't care if it hurt you I'm finally happy, Avani has so much more offer than you." I sighed because I knew he was right, Avani is so much better than me she always has been and always will be.

I asked him the question I've always wanted to. "Why did you break up with me?" "I lost feelings." He looked down refusing to make eye contact, that's what he always does when he's lying. "How? The day before you did it you told me you loved me." "Fine, I only dated you so I could get with Avani." I laughed at him because I didn't want him to see how much pain I was in and said "wow...." I walked to my room and slammed the door before he could say anything else.

I locked my door and began crying my eyes out. I did so much for him and this is how he repays me, he really just dated me for Avani? I went into my bathroom to take a shower to try and take my mind off things. I turned the water as hot as it could go, it burned my skin but the pain felt good. I sat in the shower deep in my thoughts, why would he ever kiss me? I'm not even half as pretty....


After spending a hour of my night thinking in the shower I got out and changed into some pajamas, then I sat at my desk and just began to write. Maybe if I got my thoughts on paper it would make me feel better. Soon my feelings took over my body and I just continued to write and write until I had nothing else on my mind.

I tossed myself onto my bed and let sleep come over me. When I woke up I heard a knock coming from the other side of my door. "What" I said tiredly. "Hey B it's Kio I made breakfast for you, can you please open your door so I can give it to you." I smiled at what he had just said and got up to unlock the door.

I opened it and there he was holding a plate of pancakes with a warm smile on his face. "Finally it felt like I was standing out here for hours." The cute boy came in and sat right down on my bed.I sat next to him and grabbed the food from him "sorry I was sleeping." I stuffed my face full of pancakes as he looked at the polaroids on my desk.

He came across the one with Anthony carrying me on his back while I kissed his cheek. That's the only picture I kept of Anthony and I because it's from the last date we went on before he ended things. Kio looked at the picture, looked at me then back at the picture for a few more seconds.

I got nervous because I couldn't think of a lie. "Umm what's this?" "Uh- ummm" I trailed of not knowing what to say making him more interested. "Tell me the truth." "Only if you promise not to tell a single soul." "Pinky promise." We interlocked our pinky fingers. "well a little while ago Anthony and I dated, I was in love with him to say the least. But he broke my heart and just last night he told me he only dated me because he wanted to get with Avani."

Kio quickly asked a question I didnt want to answer. "why didn't he tell any of us?" " I don't know he said it would make things awkward and he didn't want our friends to pick sides, but sometimes I honestly think it's because he's ashamed he ever dated me." His eyes filled with sorrow and he gave me a long comforting hug.

"Does anyone else know about this?" He asked not breaking the hug. "Yeah, Mads, Ben, my family and now you." "Mk" he mumbled into my shoulder. After a few more seconds of being in his arms I spoke. "Hey Kio?" "Yeah?" "Can we watch cartoons and cuddle before I have to go?" "Of course angel" Angel was the nickname he gave me because he knows how much I love the songs "Only Angel" by Harry Styles and "Hey Angel" by One Direction.

I pulled a blanket over us and rested my head on his chest. Kio switched the tv on and played my favorite cartoon 'Sanjay and Craig".

A/N: sorry if this chapter seemed rushed or whatever you wanna call it, I just needed to post something but I hope you liked it ♡︎

Lɪᴇs~ Dɪxɪᴇ D'ᴀᴍᴇʟɪᴏजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें