Forgotten Promises

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Isabelle had never been a particularly weak girl. Even at the age of five, when Alec broke all of her toy dolls, she'd hit him hard enough to bruise, and probably would've broken his arm too if their mother hadn't come in.

Isabelle walked faster, trying to ignore the thinly veiled looks of mistrust on the faces of the downworlders around her. It wasn't snowing, but a chilly December breeze rolled through Manhattan. She was going to Magnus'- and Alec's too now, she supposed- place, but taken the walking route instead. She didn't want to deal with some mundane airhead today. She was just about to leave when a loud, commanding voice broke through.

"Hold up," A large, masculine werewolf barked -the leader, Isabelle assumed.  He set his predatory gaze on her through slitted eyes. "You're Nephilim, aren't you?"

The way he said Nephilim, it was as if the accords had never happened.

Isabelle set her jaw. "Yes,"

He grinned at her devilishly. "Quite a pretty one at that too."

Isabelle took a deep breath. I have to get out of here.

"We don't get much Nephilim around here," The wolf continued, taking a step towards her. "We tend to make the best of it."

Right, Isabelle thought, time to leave.

He was close enough that Isabelle could feel his hot, sticky breath against her cheek; she caught him off guard by spinning backward and landing a kick square on his face. She just caught the look of rage as she took off, flying through the streets.

Wolves normally hunt in packs, Isabelle recalled, but she only heard one set of footsteps behind her this time. It wasn't exactly a surprise; that guy was even larger than Jace and Alec. He could probably rip her limb from limb.

Suddenly there were feral growls from behind her, and a wolf leaped over her, blocking her path to escape. Isabelle skidded to a halt, looking around desperately for any means of defending herself.

The wolf transformed back into his human form, and before she saw it coming, slammed her into the brick wall. Some kind of drug to enhance his natural ability, Isabelle decided. She raised her arm to punch him, but everything was hazy, and her head was spinning.

"Don't move," He whispered, taking the first button of her trench coat. Isabelle's eyes widened as his intent became clear. She tried to bring her knee up between his legs, but he stopped her mid-kick without even looking up.

The wolf let her coat fall to the ground, pulling at the layers of underclothes she had on. "No," She gasped. "Please."

He snarled at her, pushing her further. "Stay still!"

She looked around dizzily. The impact from when he slammed her against the wall had probably concussed her.

"Help!" She shouted hoarsely. "Somebody help me!"

He hit her, hard enough that she saw stars. As she fell unconscious, the last thing that ripped from her mouth was a scream.


Simon was sure he heard something. He insisted to Magnus that they go out and check, but Magnus seemed unconcerned. His magic would've sensed something.

Simon didn't care about magic. He was worried about Isabelle. She was late, and Isabelle was never late.

"I'm going to the bathroom," He mumbled. Magnus, in the middle of making out with Alec, said something like you do that.

He trudged through the layer of mud coating the apartments' doorstep, wondering if perhaps Magnus was right.

Until he heard the screaming.

It was female, and obviously distressed. He ran to where he thought it was coming from, glad for the spare seraph blade he packed today.

The screaming abruptly stopped, and Simon looked around, when he caught sight of a werewolf in the alley across from him.

He moved closer, careful to keep quiet, when he saw with dawning horror that the screaming had come from Isabelle. The werewolf guy had her pushed up against the wall unconscious, and he was touching her. Her trench coat lay on the ground with her scarf.

Everything inside him turned cold.

Simon took a deep breath, then lunged for the werewolf. He had obviously not been expecting it, for he took a few step backward, snarling.

"Well, what do we have here? Defending her? But when would she ever pay attention to someone like you?"

He had barely finished the sentence before Simon lunged at him again, landing a few punches to his eyes. All seraph blades became forgotten as Simon tackled him to the ground, fueled by a rage so deep inside of him.

"Stop. Touching. Her." Simon growled. It didn't matter; the guy was unconscious by now anyway.

"Simon? Simon!" Alec came rushing towards him, before noticing the unconscious Isabelle. "No. Oh God, no."

Simon felt a blue spark at his arms, and then he was being lifted off the werewolf, held in place by a force fieled.

"We need him alive. He will face judgment from the Clave." Magnus said sternly into his ear.

"No!" Simon said, kicking against Magnus' magic. "He needs to die!"

He realized what he had been doing, trying to kill someone. Everything that went against his beliefs, his teachings, him.

"I'm sorry," Simon whispered.

 "Come on," Magnus said. "Let's get her inside,"

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