story of my life

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"woah... you look hot." Juan said to Denise, as she stepped into the kitchen, to see Juan and Bobby, as Bobby hit Juan's arm hard.

"Oh Juan... haha thanks." Denise said to Juan, as she smiled and blushed.

"Well... you look beautiful." Juan said to Denise, as he smirked hugely at her.

"Juan stop that..." Denise said to Juan.

"Yeah Juan.... stop it!, we got to get Robbin's big red in her car/van, what ever the hell is is haha." Bobby said to Juan, as he pulled Juan's arm to go out side to put Robbin's guitar in the van.

Outside point of view

"Hey man, what's up with your tone?" Juan asked Bobby.

"Nothing alright..." Bobby said to Juan.

"Bs dude." Juan said to Bobby.

"I have feelings for Denise but I met some one earlier." Bobby said to Juan.

"You better make up your mind bro, Denise doesn't need any drama shit in her life and plus, look what it's doing to the band and Robbin's having a break down in rehab, if I were you, I would get to know that woman and make it work with her." Juan said to Bobby, as they both smiled big.

"Ok... true, why does love have to be so dam hard?" Bobby asked Juan.

"Relationships are never easy bro, but I've got your back." Juan said to Bobby, as Denise came out side to see Juan and Bobby, as they both smiled.

"Kids are in their pin, they sat a quick snack, I should be home around 10." Denise said to Juan and Bobby.

"Have fun but not too much fun, tell the big guy, our hellos." Juan said to Denise, as he hugged her and smiled.

"Ok same here." Bobby said to Denise.

"Thanks and I will, where's Warren?" Denise asked Juan and Bobby.

"At his house with Katie and their new  born baby, they had a boy and names it Sky Andrew, go figure." Juan said to Denise, as she smiled at him and then got into her van and drove off.

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