Chapter 7: Why Do I Miss You?

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If you've never awoken without the person who was meant to be beside you, you may never understand the emptiness it brings. The absence of the other person will make the bed feel impossibly cold. The silence of the room will ring louder than any noise.

You'll look around aimlessly, trying to convince yourself that there's another explanation for why you can't see them. and desperately try to convince yourself that they didn't leave you without saying goodbye.

That's what Trixie felt like when she woke up to see a completely empty room. 

No sign of Katya or her things, the only trace of the woman ever being there was a ruined leather dress in the trashcan, the marks on Trixie's skin, and a handwritten note left on the bedside table.

Trixie picked up the note, confident that she'd most likely hate herself for reading it later, but also recognizing that not reading it would bother her more.


I must leave at dawn, I am sorry to not wake you to say goodbye, but please trust that it is best.
You are special, never forget that.
Become happy, I know americans expect happiness from life.

I will try to survive, but I do not think surviving alone will bring happiness.

I hope you will remember  me, even tho I must forget.
It would be nice if there is someone who will think of me.
I also hope you know that I wish I could have stayed.

I would have liked to know you.

Maybe some day we will meet beyond mountain like you said.
I would like it very much if it could be so.

Goodbye Trixie.

- Katya

Trixie felt a tear fall down her cheek, hitting the light yellow paper and blending with the blue ink of the pen. She sat down on the bed as she pressed the letter to her heart.

Why did it hurt so much?

She swore to herself that she wouldn't forget Katya.
One day the woman would return.
She had to.

Why would destiny send someone who was Trixie's perfect match just to pull them away?
Fate wouldn't be so cruel, it couldn't be.
No. One day she'd look up and her eyes would meet glassy eyes painted with waves of blues and greens and bright red lips once more. 

Even if she'd have to spend years in this place alone.
Even if she'd have to make it through cold winters and stormy weather, she knew she'd some day make it across the mountain and meet Katya again on a field of flowers. 

She'd keep the dream of Katya standing between pink and blue pedals locked in her heart as she walked the lonely road to find her.

Katya had entered her life like a comet and her fire had engraved her name in Trixie's heart. 
And while their encounter may have been short, Trixie was certain that it would define the rest of her life. Their story would live on in Trixie's heart and patiently wait for it's completion.

One day they'd walk on a flower road together. 
One day Katya would return.

And Trixie would be waiting for as long as it took.

Because no one could replace Katya. 

No one could ever be more endlessly fascinating than the woman who blew away with the northern wind. 

Trixie slowly got dressed before making her way downstairs to the reception where 3 keys layed waiting on the counter.

Room 104.

Room 103.

Room 102.

Goodbye Katya.

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