Chapter 19: Will You Wait?

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Katya didn't know what she was thinking. It was insane really to expect someone to not move on after 7 years, just because she herself was incapable of doing so.

Still, she couldn't help but hold out hope that the brown eyed girl might stare longingly up at the sky every morning, just like she did at night.

How she wished it could be that way.

How she wished there was a chance Trixie still missed her.

The past 7 years had been awful, every day coming and passing as Katya remained in a static position, never moving forward.

The cubic pieces in her head multiplying, but never making sense. Constantly unable to decipher if a day was okay or bad, only knowing that no day was good anymore.

Her heart still stuck on the secret island that she had created with a beautiful American in a motel room in LA.

She was desperately trying to find her way back there, wandering over an endless mountain to return to the girl who moved like a flower pedal.

To Katya it didn't matter if lifetimes passed. She'd happily endure the tangled rope of time if it meant some day reaching the girl she had lost.
A long narration didn't matter if the day when Trixie's name was written on the first line came.

But the brown eyed girl might not feel that way. Maybe she had really found happiness with someone new.
A part of Katya wished that she had.
Wished that blonde doll was loved and cared for.
Protected by someone who's history didn't pull them away from the beautiful girl with honey brown eyes.

"Miss Екатерина, letter for you." A maid said as she handed the woman a letter from Katya's mother.

"Thank you."

The Russian brought the envelope upstairs, praying to all the Gods which she did not believe in that the letter contained what she thought it did.


вот так.

Her mom had written on a small note, as always a woman of many words.
Still, the Russian couldn't help but be eternally grateful for her mother's help in smuggling the letter, which was next to the note inside the envelope, into the house.

Vladimir had denied Katya "outside distractions", wanting her entire life to be under his control. Her time devoted to being a loving wife, in every way, and planning his events.
Therefore the Russian was unable to contact any friends or meet anyone outside of when she went out with Vladimir, however this rule did not apply to Katya's mother.

The harsh Russian woman had needed years of persuasion, but had eventually caved in when Katya promised to leave her life entirely if the woman could help her get free of the unhappy marriage and leave Russia. The fact that her mom was so keen on cutting all bonds did somewhat hurt, but not in any way as much as being away from Trixie did.

Katya carefully opened the folded letter, smiling in relief when she saw Trixie's familiar handwriting gracing the page.

Dear Katya

I can't believe it's really you.
Sorry, I'm really bad at letter writing, and I'm still kind of in shock from even hearing from you.

I'm doing okay, happy isn't exactly what I'd call it, but I'm okay.
I'm saving up for a hotel, trying to work to realize my dream.

And no, I'm not dating anyone, there's been no one since you left.
Honestly, I saw no point in going after anyone else because I knew it could never match what we had.

It's like you said, our memories were really good. So why try to find something that would be just okay?

I was right, you know?
I still don't know what to do with myself, because I keep missing that night when you gave me that ring.
I still wear it every day along with the necklace, I'll hold onto that glass moon as I look for the sun in the morning.

If there's a chance for us to be reunited, I will wait.
Of course I'll wait.

Until then I will keep meeting you in the sky until the day comes when we've crossed the mountain and reached our field of flowers.

I love you too, Katya.
I always will.
Take your time, I'll wait patiently.

Love Trixie

Tears rolled down Katya's cheeks like glass marbles, a smile finding her lips. Because even though she knew the rough winds would keep blowing for a while longer, her heart found comfort in the knowledge that one day she'd cross over the hill and find rest at a flowery paradise with Trixie by her side once again.

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