Chapter 11: Why Am I Falling?

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"You did not lie, there really is bar now! It looks very nice, кукла." Katya said as they entered the bar area.

"I couldn't have you running to Walmart again, could I?" Trixie said as she sat down on one of the barstools. Laughing slightly when Tatianna entered from the backroom while doing the choreography for Waterfalls by TLC which was playing from the speakers.

"Ah Trixie, in need of a drink? Ooh, who's this?" Tatianna said as she made her way over to the pair.

"Tatianna meet Katya." Trixie replied.

"Very nice to meet you Tatianna, I am Yekaterina Petrovna Zamolodchikova, but your dad just calls me Katya." The Russian joked as she presented her hand for the bartender to shake.

"Oh my god, you're the famous Katya, and please just call me Tati." Tatianna replied, shaking Katya's hand.

"Tati? Almost like T.a.T.u, you know song All The Things She Said, Я сошла с ума? Also what you mean famous?"

"Oh yeah, the Russian fake lesbian duo thing, right?" Tatianna said with a laugh.

"Да!" Katya said as she nodded enthusiastically, making Trixie giggle at the older woman's occasional extreme cuteness.

"And yeah, Trixie wouldn't shut up about how she needed a bar in case you ever came to stay again." Tatianna said, making Katya raise an eyebrow and smirk at the brown eyed girl who blushed a deep scarlet.

"Oh really, now?" The Russian said as she turned to Trixie, placing her hand high on the doll's thigh, her thumb moving in small circles sending shivers down the younger's spine.

"Fuck all the way off, Tatianna. I didn't talk about her that much." Trixie said with a deepened blush.

"Whatever you say boss." Tatianna said while doing a salute with her hand which made Katya let out a wheezy laugh, the hand that sat on Trixie's thigh now grabbing onto it instead.

"So, what can I get you two?" The bartender said as the Russian calmed down.

"Mhm.. I am feeling fun, give me Moscow Mule, please." Katya said, flashing Tatianna a brilliant smile, the perfectly blue-white teeth, that the brown eyed girl admired, on display.

"Just a Vodka Soda, thanks. Also, could we please get some vodka shots?" Trixie said, making the blue eyed woman next to her raise an eyebrow once again. Tatianna just nodded and started mixing.

"You really want to try to drink vodka shots against Russian woman? That is very brave miss Mattel." Katya joked.

"You're not the only one who grew up with an alcoholic dad, I can hold my own." The doll joked back making the Russian release another wheezy laugh, slapping the younger's thigh.

The Barbie couldn't help but stare at the woman warmly with something similar to love in her eyes as Katya laughed with her entire body. Not even realizing how long she had been looking until the Russian started wondering why she was staring.

"What, what, what?" The older woman said, laughter still present in her words and a stunning smile grazing her lips.

Trixie didn't think she'd ever seen anyone look so effortlessly beautiful.

"Nothing I just like you." The doll replied with a large smile, making the Russian fully cackle which caused the brown eyed girl to laugh aswell.

"And what?" The doll joked, trying to make it seem nonchalant, but her bird like laughter broke the facade entirely.

"Here you are." Tatianna said suddenly, breaking the little moment, as she placed the drinks in front of the two girls.

"And Trix." The bartender said as she waved for Trixie to lean over the bar counter, which the doll did seconds later. "You're perfect for eachother." Tatianna whispered, causing Trixie to turn the flattering color of tomato red as she sat back down.

"What? What did she say?" The Russian enquired.

"Don't worry about it." Trixie said as she turned her attention to her drink, sipping it very quickly to avoid more questions on the matter.

"Trixie, please do not drown yourself. We both have enough alcoholism in our blood already. We do not need more." The Russian quipped, making the younger girl relax a little more again.

The evening was lovely, the two never running out of things to talk about. Somehow getting along marvelously well despite having such different experiences and backgrounds.

Trixie knew she liked the Katya she had gotten to know 7 months ago.
But this Katya, this Katya who was relaxed and open? She was someone Trixie was quickly falling completely in love with.

And that was the worst possible news.

Katya would be leaving in a week.
Trixie knew that.
And yet, she couldn't help but imagine a life with Katya.
A future with Katya.
A future that would never come.
A future that couldn't come.

Why was it that the only person whom she could ever imagine a future with, was the one person she could never actually have one with?

And why, even when knowing that, did she still want to throw herself into Katya's arms and stay there even if just for a day?

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