Chapter 10: Where Have You Been?

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As Trixie layed in the arms of the blue eyed woman, after they had both showered and gotten dressed again, a million questions filled her mind as they always seemed to do whenever she was around the mysterious Russian.

"Katya, where did you go? Like, where were you for the past 7 months? The P.O. Box was registered in Boston, so is that where you were?" Trixie asked, knowing fully well that getting a real answer was unlikely.

"For past month, yes. Before that many places. We went back home to Russia first, visited many places there, then to Paris for couple weeks, then New York, and then Boston." Katya explained, to the brown eyed girl's surprise.

She did however not comment on the abnormality of the Russian giving a detailed answer as she didn't want to discourage the woman from giving her more answers like that one.

"Why do you travel so much?" Trixie asked, pushing her luck a little more.

"Alexej travels alot, I just come along." Katya replied nonchalantly.

"Yes, I know, but why? Why is it Alexej has to travel so much?" Trixie pushed.

"You can be honest with me, Katya. I won't tell anyone. Truthfully I don't have many people to tell, even if I wanted to." The brown eyed girl said trying to win the Russian over.

"You must promise never to tell anyone." The Russian said, nervousness shining in her ocean eyes.

"I promise."

"Okay... Alexej owns a lot of businesses, it is complicated to explain. You could say what he does is transport things for other people, hard to come by objects most often.
It involves traveling for that reason. My ex husband, Dimitri, did same thing. But he would transport people, often young girls. Like I say before, he was not good man." Katya said with sadness clouding her voice.

Human trafficking?
Katya was married to a human trafficker?

"Oh my god... How.. How did you meet them? Dimitri and Alexej?" The brown eyed girl asked.

"My father, he owned company that made weapons. Dimitri and Alexej bought alot from him, this is how Dimitri met my parents and how marriage agreement was made.
It was more business deal than marriage proposal. My father was greedy and despite having alot of money, he wanted more. Luckily he was also very typical Russian man, proud, drunk, and dead by 50." Katya stated. Trixie didn't know how to respond to that, it was far too much to process, so she said the first thing that popped into her head;

"My dad's dead too."

"Oh really, what was he like?" The Russian asked, relieved to be talking about something other than her own miserable existence.

"I don't know, I never met him." Trixie said with a laugh, which made the other woman laugh aswell.

"What was your family like then?" Katya asked, interested to learn more about the brown eyed doll.

"Hmm, I had a shitty stepdad for a while, but he was similar to your dad, he drank himself to death. Mom was nice, we were never super close when I was growing up, but we're cool now. But my grandparents were the family I was really, really close to growing up. My grandpa is the only reason I could afford to buy this place." Trixie said, smiling at the memory of nights spent on her grandma and grandpa's porch.

"That is nice, not the stepfather part, but the rest. I am same, I was quite close with my grandmother. She was blind, crippled, amnesiac woman, I believe Americans would call her quirky. Marvelous woman, so very wise, no nonsense. She taught me most important life lesson; if for nothing else than a few welcome moment of distraction, try your best not to be ugly. She also died standing up, something I thought was very impressive." Katya said, smiling at the fond memories.

"Your view of the world really is so fascinating." Trixie said in slight disbelief of how Katya described the old woman that she very clearly admired greatly.

"Darling, the only fascinating view in my world, is you." The Russian said with a smirk as she kissed the younger girl's shoulder. The blonde bombshell let out a loud cackle.

"Oh, very smooth miss Zamolodchikova." Trixie replied once the fit of laughter had calmed down.

"First, I almost became emotional by the fact that you can say my last name. Second, am I smooth enough to get to buy you drink?" Katya asked. Trixie leaned in to place a sweet kiss on the older woman's lips.

"Yes, of course." She replied with a cute smile.

"Perfect, we can go and search for bar. There must be some place to get alcohol in the area other than at overrated Walmart." The Russian replied as she stood up and pulled the brown eyed girl up with her. Trixie let out another laugh, shaking her head at the other woman's absurdity.

"Katya, there's actually a bar here now." Trixie said, placing a kiss on the blue eyed woman's wrist before intertwining their fingers.

"Oh, thank god, you fixed bar issue. That is perfect, let's go."

Trixie couldn't help the bright smile that spread across her lips, not remembering a time when she had ever been as happy as she was whenever she was around Katya.

This week was going to be an adventure, and Trixie was on for the ride.

The Trixie Motel ✔ ~ trixyaWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu