kankrii x reader

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You were invited to dinner at the Vantas's house, by Signless. Although everyone else was going, he wanted to finally meet you after having to hear Kankri rant and talk about you all the time. But that also lead to you being the only human there, which was fine of course but you would continually get mean looks from Meenah. And Porrim would always drag you away to do makeup on you, so you mainly hung around Kankri. You had bad anxiety but when you listened to his calming voice when he went on small rants it usually calms you down pretty quickly. And it just so happened to be Kankri that you had your flush crush on.

You looked in the mirror, your messy h/c hair was all curly, and although it was messy, it did indeed look cute. You made your way to Kankri's house. Once you got there, Signless let you inside, and said, "Ah you must be Y/N?" You shakily nodded your head. Smiling awkwardly. "Oh no need to be embarrassed come on in." He smiled at you, you felt welcome and safe, in a way. You started to get nervous when you saw kankri wasn't there. "U-uh exuse me but where is Kankri?" You whispered to Signless and he looked down at you and reassured you by saying "He's just out getting food ingredients for us, don't worry he'll be back soon." You awkwardly walked over and sat on the couch. After a hour or so literally everyone else arrived besides Kankri. You were getting all nervous once again, you started to quickly tap your foot, and your hands began to shake against themselves. Kankri has been gone for over two hours, and Meenah looks at you and said "The fucks up with you?" "O-oh I-I'm just worried about Kankri,,, he hasn't come back yet and I-it's been a few hours." You said quietly. "Pffftt. Maybe he got hit by a car and died or somethin." Meenah snickered and walked away from you. But your hands and legs began to shake even more at the thought of that. You began to silently cry as you began to freak out even more. Now not everyone was looking at you, the only people who seemed to actually see you, were Porrim and surprisingly Cronus. "Hey wwhats wwrong doll?" He asked coming a bit closer to you. Porrim bent down on one knee and put a hand on your shoulder as a comfort to try and calm you down, yet it didn't work. "M-M-Meenah said,,, I g-got worried for K-Kankri and she,,, said "maybe he got hit by a car and died or something,,," a-and he's not back y-yet so Wh-what if he,," You covered your face and started to cry even more. Cronus didn't know what to say but he ran over to Signless and said "you need to call kankri and get him home, noww. Y/N is freaking out and me and Porrim don't knoww wwhat to do, Meenah said somethin triggerin" Signless quickly called Kankri who immediately answered, "Kankri you need to get back now what's taking so long?" He heard Kankri sigh, "I had t9 g9 t9 a different st9re 6ecause there wasn't the c9rrect things there, why d9 y9u ask?"  "Well y/n is freaking out, Meenah made a triggering joke to her and now she's worried sick about you." Kankri now seemed annoyed, not at you or Signless but at Meenah. He quickly said "Tell her n9t t9 w9rry, and that I'm 9n my way."  Kankri quickly got home, as fast as he could. He gave the grocery bags to Signless and ran over to you. "Y/N?" He saw you crying and it made him upset, mixed emotions, he was angry at Meenah, but sad and concerned for you. As soon as you saw him, you got up and hugged him tightly. He hugged you back. No hesitation, which shocked everyone in the whole room. Kankri looked at every one in the room with a small glare and took you to his room, as you humans would call it. He sat you on the bed and you had to explain everything to him. He was normally calm and content, even when he would rant and talk to you he seemed a bit glad to do so. But now, he was angry, he almost looked like Karkat. But his voice hadn't changed he had his arm around you, but before he did that he made sure to tag the #physicalcontact trigger. You hugged him, and didn't seem to want to let go. He looked down at you and said, "y/n, it's alright I am here with y9u." You wanted to tell him how you felt right now, you didn't know if you would get the chance to tell him again so you took your shot, and you whispered to him, "k-kankri, I know you are celibate b-but I-im flushed for y-you,,," your face grew a dark red as you looked down avoiding eye contact. He stiffened up, and went a dark  candy looking red. He quietly responded with a "w-well I 6elieve It's time I admit t9 6eing flushed f9r you as well," you looked up at him and smiled, it wasn't a scared or awkward smile, it was a actual genuine smile. Kankri pulled you closer to him and said "#physicalcontact #affection #suddenkissing" that last part caught you off guard and before you knew it, his lips were on yours. You almost instantaneously kissed him back. It lasted for a small moment but it was sweet and passionate. You asked him "c-could we lay down for a bit?" He looked at you then sighed with a smile, "Sure, 6ut well have to eat dinner later." You two laid down and were under the blankets of his bed. You fell asleep on top of him, and he fell asleep cuddled up against you. You two were exhausted, freaking out like you had before was draining, and running around the stores was tiring for Kankri. Signless noticed you two hadn't come out the room in a while and he said "hmm,," to himself. Meenah looked up and said "Hah Maybe they pailed in there." "Kankri is gonna givve you one long ass lecture,," Cronus sighed. Signless quietly walked over to his door, he knocked and there was no reply. So he opened the door and saw the two of you sleeping peacefully snuggled up against eachother. He smiled and left the room.

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