mituna x ampora!reader

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You we're wandering around the park, your curly hair bouncing behind you. Although you were a Ampora, you were nearly nothing like your brothers, or father. You were sweet and tried to be kind to everyone, and better yet you didn't care what someone's blood color was, because you are smart enough to know anyone can be a dick.
It was insanely cold outside, and sadly your oversized sweater wasn't keeping you warm. And being a seadweller wasnt helping, since you guys are just naturally freezing cold.
"H-Hey why cant you jutht leave me alone Cronuth!" You heard someone shout.
Oh no Cronus was messing with someone again. You have grown very tired of his poor actions.
You ran over to where you heard the shout, and you saw Cronus, your brother cornering Mituna, your flush crush.
"Cronus Ampora!" You shouted, your British accent shining through your voice, and you were a sweet girl so when you yelled it gave everyone chills.
Mituna and you got along well, so he immediately ran to you hugging you tightly saying "Y-Y/n he wath going to hit me y/n!!" As he hid his face in your sweater.
"Cronus Ampora what did I say about bullying people, especially Mituna!!" You were disappointed in him, he rubbed the back of his neck.
"I've just about had it with your childish antics! You should be ashamed Cronus! You know better than making fun of people in general!" You said and even thought you were shorter than him, Cronus got so embarrassed cause people were looking at him now, so he ran off.
Mituna seemed to be shaking, you rubbed his back and knelt down cause he was sitting on the ground, "Hey Tuna? He's gone now!" You said smiling, as you helped him up. "He didn't touch you did he?"
"H-he only puthed me a few timeth"
"Oh no.. I swear I don't get why he likes messing with you,, I don't even get why my family messes with yours, you all are so kind,,"
You saw Sollux and Psiionic standing there.
"What happened thith time?" Sollux said aloud, although he already heard what you just said to tuna.
"it was Cronus...again..." you frowned, ashamed.
"Can you help me y/n?" Mituna asked giving you grabby hands at you. You giggled and said
"Sure Tuna!" And with that you helped him up.
Sollux and Psiionic were always so confused on why you were so nice to them, you even help in their house, you've even went as far as making them special honey muffins.
"Y/n I've never asked but why are you so kind to us,,, I mean your a high blood yknow?"
Psiionic asked.
You looked at him and tilted your head, "oh well,,, I don't believe that blood color is important! I never really did, since it is unfair, and I believe we should all be treaty equally,, but now that we're on earth we need to understand that compared to these humans were all simply low bloods,, since they own everything here,,, but besides that I've just never believed in it!" You smiled shivering because you were most definitely freezing.
"Can we take you back to our houthe?? You theem tho cold" Sollux offered. And you smiled "Sure! Also would you want me to make those honey muffins again?"
"YETH" they all said exitedly, which caused you to giggle. Tuna almost fell over, so he quickly grabbed your hand, intertwining it with his own.
You blushed a light violet, holding his hand as you all walked to the Captor's house.
As you got there they welcomed you in and it was warm in the house! It wasn't freezing like it is in yours!
You smiled and said "So about those muffins!" And with that you and the three captors all made muffins together, well you made them and they tried, and honestly they tried really hard to make them as well.
You smiled as you put the honey on tuna's nose. And he gasped and tried to lick it.
Honestly you found him just precious.
And Sollux somehow got cake batter in his hair,, yeah. You helped him get it out but then joked and said "I think we're all going to need a shower after this!"
Sollux got an idea, after you put the muffins in the oven you turned around to get some left over cake batter thrown at you.
You heard Sollux snicker.
"Oh yeah? Take this!" You flung cake batter at him but he dodged it and it hit Psiionic. You then slipped and fell on your butt.
You felt embarrassed but then Psiionic helped you up but he then smeared cake batter on your face.
"Hey haha!!"
You all keep throwing it around at eachother and everytime one of you there something at Mituna he would laugh and try to eat it.
After a while the muffins made a little *ding!!* noise and you said "yes!! There done!"
You realized that you and the whole kitchen was covered in the muffin batter.
"Okay boys you two get in the showers, and clean yourselves off"
Sollux and Mituna ran off to shower and get all clean.
And you smiled at Psiionic, "I really don't understand why my family is so unkind to you guys, you all are the sweetest" you said with a sad sigh.
"If they gave you all a chance I guarantee youd get along"
You said as you helped clean up the mess you made with them.
"Well,, honestly we're all just happy you like us, and I think you've had a really positive impact on Mituna, he talks about you a lot." He said.
"I'm glad,, yknow it's definitely hard to believe from your perspective, but all three of them, they say mean things, and then they feel guilty and they are too foolish to know how to act on it" you frowned.
"Hmmm, could you enlighten me on more?"
You nodded your head,
"I mean after Eridan and Sollux got into a fight, Eridan came home crying, saying how he said awful things and he wished he hadn't said them,, but he doesn't actually hate Sollux, he just has a hard time controlling his temper..." you sigh, "besides his temper, Eridan is honestly very sweet, hard to believe I know haha!" Psiionic looked shocked, "that's almost crazy,, whenever those two argue Sollux would come home and I didn't know what to do but he felt awful and he even broke down into tears at one point."
"Aww,,,,, and don't get me started on Cronus- that's idiot makes fun of Mituna all the time! And he always complains and literally cried his eyes out to me about him feeling like crap about it, he honestly wants to be friends with Tuna but he's a dumbass and doesnt know how to go about it!! I've even tried to help him but he's just so stupid! Don't get me wrong I love them both, I mean we're family but they're both so foolish!" You said groaning.
"Hmm maybe one day you can show them a thing or two about being smart" he chuckled.
"Maybe," you said with as sigh as you finished cleaning up.
"Am I aloud to shower here? I'm covered in batter" you asked with a small giggle,
Psiionic nodded, and you walked away to the bathroom. And you opened the door to see Mituna playing with the bubble bath soap. He didn't know how to use it- that's so cute-
You were a dark shade of violet as you saw him with no clothes, but you didn't see much cause he was sitting down in the tub like a child.
He saw you and got all happy, "hi y/n!! Uh,, can you help me I don't know how to uthe the bubblth" "sure tuna!"
You helped him out with the bubble and then he quietly asked "do you want to come in here with me?"
"U-uh sure?" You said, and his face lit up, "yaaayyy!!!! I get to give you a bubble hat!!"
He was the cutest thing omg.
You took off your clothes but you made him turn around so he didn't see much,, and luckily when you sat down in the tub, it was a big tub so the bubbles and water covered your body up to your collar bone. So Mituna couldn't see anything. He smiled and took a handful of bubbles and put them on your head, "ooo!!" You smiled
"Y/n look you've got a bubble hat now!!!" He giggled.
"Thank you for my bubble hat!! Here you get one too!!" You said as you put bubbles on the top of his head.
"hehe!! yeth! I'm the bubble king and you're my queen!" He laughed.
You blushed as did he and you said "ah bow down to thee thy loyal subjects, make way for king Mituna!"
He laughed again and you giggled "and hith pretty queen y/n!" He added and a darker shade of yellow blush dusted his face, as did violet with yours.
To be honest just about everyone you know already knew that you were head over heels for Mituna, and everyone but you knew he was for you too.
After you washed your hair and body, he asked for help with his hair, you got out and then you helped him out giving him a towel. You then panicked because your only clothes you had were covered in batter, flour and honey-
"H-hey tuna,, I just remembered I don't have any clothes,,"
"Oh!! Ohh!! I've got thtfuff for you!!" He said exitedly.
He ran into his room, put clothes on, and then grabbed one of his shirts and sweat pants and gave it to you with a smile.
"Here you can uthe my clotheth!!"
"Okay!!" You smiled, and took the clothes and put them on, you came back, and his long sleeve shirt was super comfy on you, same for the pants.
And he looked so cute with his hair all messy and a baggy T-shirt and pants!
"Thank you tuna!!"
"Yeth! Okay so do you want to watch a movie? And eat the muffinth!!" He seemed very exited.
"Yes!! Just let me text stinky old Cronus to let him know where I am!"
He giggled when you called him stinky.
You took out your phone and texted cro, saying 'hey Cronus! I'm hanging out with tuna,, also I'm sorry for screaming at you today :>"
And he responded with the most unexpected thing,
'hey it's alright sis, also could ya maybe tell Tuna I'm sorry? Go havwe fun yknovw"
"What happened y/n?"
"Oh my this.. this is great!!! Tuna oh my gosh!!!! Cronus just actually!! Look!!!" You were all giddy and showed him the phone, and his face lit up.
"YETH! YETHH! Wait what the heck!! Woah!! Thith ith tho weird!!! Heth thorry?? Woah!!!" Tuna got happy and jumped around a bit and said "can I rethpond to him?"
"Ok okokookokokok"
He responded with a '7H4NK Y0U CR0NU5 Y0U 4R3 R4D - M17UN4' and he sent that with a smile.
"Okay now lets go eat the muffins!!!!"
When you two walked out you saw Psiionic shoving a muffin down his throat and Sollux smirked at you two, "tho what did you guyth do in that thowerrrrrrrr" he teased.
Mituna didnt get why he said that weirdly so he replied with "we got all clean?? And I gave y/n my clotheth becauthe the didnt have any!!" He said as he hugged you, yellow blush dusting his cheeks, as purple dusted yours.
Sollux snorted a laugh as Tuna dragged you to the couch.
Once you sat onto the couch he grabbed the remote and snuggled up against you, which did indeed keep you warm, but also kept your face a dark shade of purple.
You couldn't help but wrap your arms around him too, he was just way too cute.
Mituna slowly sat up, which confused you, he then lean closer until he was giving you a kiss.
You literally didn't get to kiss back because you were so shocked.
"W-w-what was that tuna?"
"I thought it wath the thing to do when you love thomeone!"
Your jaw dropped, he seemed to sweet and innocent, you felt tears well up in your eyes.
"Y-you love me?" You said as tears fell from your eyes.
"YETH! And I uh.....fuck!! I- Iwant you to be my matethprit!!" He said stumbling and messing up over a few words.'
You held him tightly, "I...I love you too,," you whispered as you cried onto him.
You weren't sad at all it was simply the thing you Ampora's do when you have an overload of emotions. Mituna smiled brightly and gave you another kiss, which this time, you returned although you hesitated because you were nervous.
You two didn't even put on a movie you were so occupied with each-other, it was adorable.
He was whispering sweet things to you such as, 'I love you tho much' among other things.
He was snuggled up against you again, his head nuzzled up against the crook of your neck, with his arms wrapped around you.
And he slowly fell asleep against you, as you gently rubbed his back.
You slowly but surely fell asleep as well.
Psiionic was smiling like an idiot.
And Sollux whipped out his phone and immediately face timed your brother Eridan.
"Hi Sol."
"Oooo your doiing your haiir?"
"Uh,,, yeah? Fef said I looked like shit so yknoww wwhat,, im fixing it" he said a bit embarrassedly.
"Oh,, well ii don't thiink you look bad,, but yknow how your 2ii2ter y/n definitely got a liitle cru2h on miituna?"
"Wwell answwer me this sol,, wwho DOESNT know?" He laughed which made him chuckle.
He then showed the camera towards you and Tuna on the couch.
"Holy fuckin shit! Are they? Did they? WWHAT!?" He shouted into the phone all exitedly.
"22hHhHh! You'll wake them up!! But me and dad 2aw the whole thiing! He gave her a kii22 and then boom they are mate2priit2 now!" Sol said just happy, over the whole thing.
"Oh my god sol you havve NO idea howw long ivve been wwaiting for them to do this! She's been talkin about him,, like evvery day!"
"Whaaaat Tuna never shuts up about her eiither!"
They really sound like mean gossip girls now,, wow.
Eridan and Sol talked for hours. HOURS. As you and Tuna slept on the couch.
You all were being cute and Psiionic took a selfie of him holding up a piece sign like a dork with you and tuna in the background. And another one with Eridan and Sol on call in the back.
He also sent dualscar this.
"Wow our children are getting along, let this moment soak in cause Eridan and Sollux aren't trying to kill eachother.

PS- your daughter makes some badasss honey muffins,, holy shit theyre good"

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