karkat x makara!reader pt2

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You woke up from your sleep, expecting to see Karkat, but he wasn't there?
That freaked you out so you rubbed your eyes and went down stairs, only to fall down the stairs of course. You hit your head on the wall and it hUR T. "Aw fucking FUCK!" You screeched in pain, as you held your head.
And you couldn't see straight so the five figures standing over you were unidentifiable.
But it was Karkat, Gamzee, GHB, Kurolz , and tav who was in his wheechair.
"u-uh,,, y/n?? A-Are you okay?"
"WhAt EvEn HaPpEnEd- sIs YoU mOtHeRfUcKiNg gOoD?"
"y/n? kid? KID? HELLO? EARTH TO Y/N?"
you couldn't see was Kurolz was signing to you,, you rubbed your eyes and said "I'm-im fine I just fell down- the, stairs. And smacked my head into the way pretty fucking hard."
Without hesitation Karkat immediately knelt down to you and started checking your head for any cuts or scrapes. He found a small gash in the side of your head,, and your purple shaded blood was now on his hand.
Gamzee knelt down and then Karkat proceeded to tell him what he needed to help you, like bandaids, paper towels, and water.
Gamzee quickly got it all, I mean he was worried seeing you with a cut on the side of your head yknow. Kurolz and GHB stood there, staring at Karkat; watching him, they were probably being way more overprotective then they should be but they care about you.
Karkat felt anxious, I mean he didn't want to hurt you of course but mainly because your brother, and father figure are staring straight though him right now.
You had a bruise starting to form on the side of your forehead, but your bangs covered it, so it looked fine but it hurt.
Karkat moved your hair and his hand gently grazed on the bruise, and that hurt like HELL. So you didn't even want to imagine how it'd feel if someone hit you there- as you hissed in pain. GHB took a step closer.
You had tears in your eyes of course I mean you are all fucked up yknow. But you didn't want to cry in front of Karkat, or GHB.
Karkat gently then moved your bangs and saw the bruise and asked Gamzee for some ice so he could wrap it in a paper towel so you can put it on your head.
You found it adorable that the short angry troll who's always cursing at someone had become your whole ass nurse.
Karkat soon finished bandaging you up, and he turned around to see GHB, like right there dude- he obviously jumped, a little scared.
You then stood up and went next to Karkat and hugged him very tightly. Not only because he was your matesprit but because he helped you, and it showed how much he really did care.
"Thank you" you said, your voice shaky because you really needed to cry, but you were forcing yourself not to. Which worried him.
You held his hand and Gamzee smiled at the sight of the two of you. Kurolz smiled a little, and GHB just looked away. And tav was trying to get Gamzee's attention, which was honestly precious-
You soon walked back to your room with Karkat and you slowly got back into your bed, and covered your face as you started to cry,,
"Y-y/n??" He was so confused.
"C-can you lay here with me.." you said tears streaming down your face.
He felt so bad for you he couldn't say no, he got in next to you and asked what was wrong.
You continued to explain that you didn't want to cry in front of him or GHB because you thought that they would think you were pathetic.
"Y/n.. you fell down the stairs and fucked up your head! I was shocked you didn't cry back there! I'm going to be honest if that were me I would have cried for fucking hours- and GHB stood there speechless because he was so worried,, I mean didn't you see him stare into my damn soul?" He tried making a joke to see you smile, which it actually worked!
He wiped your tears as you asked "was he really staring at you?"
"Into my god damn soul"
You giggled a bit as he laughed.
You soon moved closer to him and kissed him, he just about immediately kissed back. Wrapping his arms around your waist instead of your head so he wouldn't hurt you.
You two ended up kissing for at least two or three minutes, when you guys pulled away you started to pet his head. And to your surprise he started to purr!
"Dont fucking judge me"
"Judge you? HellooOOO? Have you met me? Why would I judge you baby? Your just the fucking cutest!"
He mumbled something about him not being cute at all, but he continued to purr and he nuzzled his head against your neck,, kind of like a cat? Whatever, you found him adorable.
"I love you karkat" you said giving his head a kiss. You were on earth for the rest of your life,, so might as well use human terms.
"I love you too y/n" he said as you rubbed his head until he fell asleep on you, as you fell asleep with him.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 29, 2020 ⏰

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