erisol- fluff

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Eridan was currently pacing through the Ampora household. Having a slight panic attack. And his sister was trying to calm him down.
"Hey Eridan look at me! It's alright! He does not hate you!"
"Yes but,,, there's no wway he feels the same wway I do."
He sighed and hid his face, "Stupid fucking feelings"
"Eridan Ampora! Your feelings are not stupid, and so help me if I have to hear you complain about them one more time I'm cutting my hair and going to confess as you!" She whined. I mean he's been like this for hours.
"O-okay,," he sat quietly for a moment, and then grabbed his phone and walked out of the house.
And soon enough he arrived at the captor household.
And when he knocked on the door, he knocked, he heard a bit of yelling and then Sollux opened the door.
Sollux went a bright yellow, and grabbed Eridans hand and dragged him upstairs into his room.
Sollux seemed angry, or upset? He didn't say a word until he closed and locked the door, which was weird.
"okay,,, 2orry iif ii hurt your hand"
"o-oh it's fine sol,, but uh are you okay?"
Sollux shook his head no, and he almost looked like he was about to cry. And then boom, it happened. Sol was crying in front of him.
Eridan didn't know what to do, so he stepped closer, and wrapped his arms around him.
"Hey hey, wwhats the matter?" Eridan asked as Sollux hugged him back crying.
"ii,,, iim haviing a really 2hiity day ED,,,,,,,,, thank you for makiing iit better,,"
Eridan blushed,, "you can tell me wwhats wwrong if you wwant too Sol,"
"Me and KK got iinto a 2tupiid fiight,,,and I lo2t ALL of my progre22 on the stupiid bull2hiit KK want2 me to code! He put2 2o much pre22ure on me, he thiink2 iim 2o 2mart but ii don't even know what he fucking want2 from me- and he had to go and be a fuckiing priick and briing up my flu2h cru2h,, 2ayiing ii don't 2tand a chance,, fiir2t of all iit2 none of hii2 fuckiing buii2ne22 and ii know ii don't 2tand a chance!" Sol said with a sniffle.
Eridan knew how he felt though, KarKat always snapped on him too, but he would end up apologising with a half assed sorry.
Eridan rubbed his back and held him tight.
Sollux gave in, the poor boy hadn't cried in months, and it felt right to let it all out.
Eridan was rubbing his back gently as a comfort still.
When Sollux pulled away from the hug Eridan immediately felt colder.
"2o,, why are you here?? u-uh not that ii don't want you here,, cau2e ii do want you here,,,,, but ii ju2t diidnt know" Sollux asked.
"I-I....ivve,, had these feelings for a long time noww like before wwe evven started to get along,,,,, and I wwas wwondering if you wwanted to m-maybe be my matesprit?? I-it's fine if you completely do not, I- I hope that you don't completely hate me after this,,"
Sollux's literally went entirely yellow, and he couldn't seem to be able to talk right.
"ii- y-you j- Wh- w-waiit—- liike- me??? W-what- b-but I- h-how-" he honestly looked like he was having an asthma attack.
He stepped closer "ye2,,, ii- w-want to be your mate2priit,,,,,, a22umiing your not fuckiing wiith my feeliing2 here ED,,"
"Sol I am not,, fucking wwith your feelings, I really mean it,,,,"
Sollux then crept closer to Eridan and wrapped his arms around his head, and gave him a kiss.
When he pulled away from it, with his arms still wrapped around his head Sollux whispered, "huh,,, you actually don't ta2te liike fii2h" Eridan smiled and rolled his eyes, and sol laughed.
Eridan pulled Sollux into another kiss by pulling him closer by the waist. The kiss went on for about two minutes.
Sol forgot he needed air, and when he pulled away he was panting and he got all embarrassed and hid his face.
Sol thought for a moment, and said "ii have two fiinii2h that 2tupiid codiing thiing KK want2 now,,"
Eridan then pulled him down onto his own bed and said "you can do that later, but it stressed you out so your taking a break wwith me" he smiled, as Sollux immediately gave in again and just snuggled up against him.
Sollux was all cuddled up against him and as Eridan pulled the soft bee blanket on him and Sol,, he said "ii love you a lot ED"
Eridan went completely violet and said
"I-I lovve you too sol"

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