Chapter I

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It was the day of her graduation, and she was no closer to figuring out a way to take her brother with her. She wanted to take her brother and run, but she couldn't make arrangements until she had it figured out. She layed in bed for an hour trying to figure out a way, yet she couldn't think of anything.

It was a Saturday, so that the parents would be free to come and watch the graduation, but she doubted that her mother would care enough to come, although she knew her brother would. He was only six years old but he was smart enough to know what was going on in the house. She sighed, getting up as she knew that fretting over it was going to get nothing done.

At this time, Myung was also awake, thinking about his sister as usual. He was just thinking of how pretty and nice she was, unlike their mother who he thought was an ugly old hag, but would never tell anyone that. His sister was normally happy and carefree, but lately she had been sad and subdued. It was unlike her to be like this, but he was gonna make her happy today! "I am gonna surprise her with how good I'll be, and how many hugs I'm going to give her!"

Myung was very considerate of his sister. He knew not to ask where their mother was, or ask where she was going. He didn't complain about having to read books that were easy to read, and he understood that his sister was tired in the evenings, so he didn't ever complain that they had to eat dinner late. He went to bed when he was finished with dinner, and he also got ready for bed all by himself when she was making dinner. He knew not to pester her when she was doing chores or homework on the weekends, as she would play with him immediately afterwards.

When she was at work on Sunday evenings, he stayed in her room with the door closed, as she wanted him to be hidden from their mother if she ever came home, and because there were more hiding spots if their mother were to come into the room. He had a space in her closet where his toys and some of his books were for this purpose as well. She always made dinner for him beforehand, and he ate in her room when he got hungry. When he was finished with the dishes he would leave them on her desk and read or play on her bed until he felt tired. He'd then change into one of her shirts that were like a dress on him and slip under her covers as it made him feel safe when he was sleeping.

When Chung-Ae got home at eleven, she would slip into her room, get into her pajamas, and get into bed beside him, curling around him protectively. Then in the morning she would get up, and the weekly routine started all over again.

Chung-Ae walked into the kitchen immediately beelining for the fridge, going to cook breakfast for Myung and herself. She jumped a little when two arms were flung around her waist. "Morning Noona! Saranghae!" Myung hugged her tight and gave her a sweet smile. He was still dressed in his dark purple almost black pajamas, fluffy black slippers and a bed head inky black hair.

"Hey bub, how did you sleep?" Chung-Ae hugged him back, ruffling his already mussed locks.

"Good! What's for breakfast today?" His eyes gleamed as he squeezed her waist tightly.

"I'm going to make a breakfast sandwich for us!" She turned back to their fridge to bring out the eggs and cabbage.

"Ooh that sounds good! I'll go get ready Noona, and then come down and eat!" Myung raced up the stairs to his room quickly getting dressed. She laughed at the energy of her little brother and all the weight fell off her shoulders while she made the best breakfast sandwiches for them. Four pieces of toast, an egg or two, cabbage and a sprinkle of brown sugar later, she had made two delicious breakfast sandwiches plated and served on the table in her and her brothers' places.

Myung flew down the stairs and hopped into his chair as she brought out the napkins and two glasses of milk, and two small bowls of rice. "Thank you noona for making breakfast!" He sat patiently until she had the first bite, and then dug into his breakfast, continuously complimenting Chung-Ae on her cooking.

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