Chapter III

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Walking away from a life full of solitude and towards the dreams they had for the future. "Noona, why did we leave today so suddenly?" Myung looked up at her as their feet plodded along the road.

Her mind froze and her eyes widened. She didn't know how to explain it to him, as she still didn't want him to think poorly of his mother, but she also didn't want to lie to him either. "Myungie, it's really complicated, it's..."

He interrupted her, "Chungie Noona, tell me, I promise I won't cry or get mad or anything!" He stopped and pouted, using his puppy eyes against her.

"Baby, don't say that you won't because it's okay if you do, I just don't want you to think bad of her." Chung-Ae stopped in front of him, keeling down and wrapping him in a big hug. "Eomma signed a paper that said we were no longer her children, and another that said I was now your guardian." She squeezed him tight, "I'm so sorry baby, you deserve so much better, and I am gonna do all I can to give you everything."

Myungs eyes watered, but he knew he still had his Noona with him so he was going to be alright. "Noona I'll be okay, but where are we going now?"

"Well we're going to go stop at my work, and then we'll take a train to Daejeon to an apartment I've rented for both of us." Chung-Ae smiled at her brother, "As long as we have each other, we'll be okay, yeah?"

"Yeah!" He smiled right back and they continued on their way to town.

When they arrived in town, they walked to the diner. Stepping into the restaurant, They wheeled their things over to a table, getting weird looks from other customers and employees.

"Hey bub, why don't you stay here and I'll go get you some fries and a milkshake?" Chung-Ae pulled out a chair for him, and he crawled up on top of it.

"Okay Noona, can I have a chocolate one?"

"Sure baby, I'll be right back in a few seconds." Chung-Ae stood and walked up to the register, pulling down her mask and taking off her sunglasses in the process. "Hey, may I have some fries and two chocolate milkshakes sent over to table 15 please?"

The girl at the counter looked me up and down, then scoffed. "Are you sure you'll be able to afford it?"

Chung-Ae's face went blank and her eyes went cold. "I asked for my brother to be served, not for me to be insulted. If this is how you treat all customers in this establishment then I would like to see Mrs. Lee, she made a grave mistake in hiring you." Chung-Ae gave her a smirk as the girl's face went pale, then it went red.

"She made the best decision in hiring me! My face is the reason that people even come here anymore, and also that old hag would never believe a random customer over me! You're just a stupid girl!" Chung-Ae was full on smiling now. "What are you smiling about now bitch!" The girl was enraged, her face red, and voice raised, catching everyone's attention.

A small hand grasped Chung-Ae's and she picked up her brother and put her on her hip. "Hey meanie, don't yell at my sister! Your boss might not believe just anyone, but wouldn't she believe another employee?" He glared at her as her face went pale.

"Yes it does seem as if I have made a grave mistake." The girl's face went a ghostly shade of white, and her eyes stared behind Chung-Ae and Myung as the bell hanging above the door rung. "Chung-Ae, I thank you for helping me judge my workers, it seems like I need to re-evaluate a few of them, and fire some others." Mrs.Lee stepped up beside Myung as Chung-Ae set him down. "Your order is on the house." She looked to the girl behind the register. Make the order, send it through to the cooks, and then you're dismissed and not to come back."

The girl nodded, quickly typing in the order as Mrs. Lee walked into the back. I went and took him to the table again, and also got him a napkin and some ranch for his fries. The ranch in the restaurant is the best, and we both like ranch with fries. We'll have ketchup as well, but that already comes with the fries.

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