Chapter V

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As soon as Kwang-Sun heard the door shut behind him, his phone dinged, as a notification from twitter lit up his phone screen.

He stepped into the elevator as he unlocked the phone and pressed on the notification. There was a photo and a video, as well as the caption, "Absolutely angelic vocals, the Mysterious Singer Noona, #whoisthemysterioussingernoona" Looking at the picture, he recognised the clothing the girl wore, and tapped on the video, making sure his hunch was right.

In the start of the video he heard a little boy's voice, and saw a little boy laying down on the girl's lap, and then her voice. He instantly recognised it, realizing that they were indeed Chung-Ae and Myung. He heard her sing, just her voice, with only train noises in the background as the music. It seemed like the two siblings had a few secrets, and he wanted to figure out all of them. For now, he'd keep this little tidbit of information to himself, and see what unfolded.

The next morning, Chung-Ae woke up to her brother straddling her stomach, and giggling cutely. "Morning Noona! Time to wake up!" He swooped in and gave her a peck on her cheeks, before getting up and running out of the room.

Chung-Ae sat up and rubbed her eyes before yawning and flipping the covers off herself. She swung her legs off the bed and stood, making her way to her suitcase to get dressed. She had unpacked last night, but there were no hangers, so her bag still had most of their clothes in it.

The fact reminded her that they would have to go shopping soon for groceries and necessities. They'd have to have breakfast at a nearby cafe or bakery, as they had no food in the apartment. Getting dressed quickly she threw on a pair of skinny jeans and a sweatshirt along with tennis shoes and a hat. She packed her backpack with her notebooks and chromebook, along with her wallet, and slung it over her shoulders. Myung was already dressed, and sitting on the couch waiting for her.

"Come on Myungie, we're going to eat breakfast and then head to the mall, as well as get some groceries." Chung-Ae closed the bedroom door behind her as Myung slipped on his shoes, and then they were out the door and pressing the elevator button. A few seconds later, the elevator doors opened, and they stepped in, Myung getting to push the first floor. When they reached ground level, they found the lobby silent, as it was only about seven o'clock, and most people were asleep or had already left for work.

They walked down the street and found a little bakery that had a few customers already, and the smell of baked goods wafting out the door. They ordered their food, and sat down enjoying their muffins and bread.

Their next stop was the mall, where they bought several items for their apartment and themselves. Items such as coasters, curtains, hangers, and clocks. Chung-Ae also bought some more things to entertain Myung and herself, such as a deck of cards, board games, books and art supplies. It barely made a dent in her account, but she was still wary of what she bought and what she didn't.

Afterwards they stopped at a diner for lunch as well as to have a bathroom break while they rested their legs for a while. They still had to pick up groceries, but they also had to drop off the bags they were already carrying at the apartment.

Myung was eating an ice cream cone as they walked, and she was carrying the bags. When they reached the apartment building, it was once again eerily quiet and empty, but that was to be expected as it was a friday and most people would be at work at this time, but it was almost too silent. They stepped into the elevator and pushed floor nine, on their way up they too were silent. Neither of them thought anything about the silence as they hadn't been living here for more than twenty-four hours but they were headed up for a surprise. As they reached floor eight, it suddenly stopped between floors, and just as Myung finished his ice-cream the elevator lurched to a stop, making both of them stumble.

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