Chapter VI

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 "I help you guys, because it's the nice thing to do. It seems like you haven't had a lot of help for awhile now." Kwang-Sun smiled at her. "I want to take care of you guys, as you remind me of a friend that I've had for a long time, and you're a nice girl Chung-Ae. You're brother is a ray of sunshine, and also very smart, so don't worry about anything that I do. I'm going to be there for you no matter what."

Chung-Ae stared at him in disbelief. "I can't seem to wrap my head around it. I just met you yesterday, but you are one of the kindest people I've met for the longest time. Myung already looks up to you, and I can't believe that we have gotten so lucky." She slouched her shoulders and sagged on the backrest of the couch. "I want to trust you fully, but I don't know if I can yet." Her face was filled with regret and sorrow.

"Don't worry this stuff takes time. I promise you that I will stay and prove to you that you can trust me with your everything. I want you to at least have one person besides yourself to be able to look out for you and that can be there for you." He smiled at her. "I can promise that I won't push or pry, I'll wait for you."

Chung-Ae looked at the clock and saw that it was pretty late. "It's pretty late, I should probably get to bed soon, so I'm not exhausted tomorrow."

"I should get going now too, I apologise for the surprise party, I know it wasn't quite what you were expecting, but I'm glad I got to save you guys from walking with a bunch of groceries." Kwang-Sun rose to his feet and walked over to the door.

"I'll get you the contract by tomorrow, Myung and I are going to be around all day so don't be afraid to pop in to grab it," She handed him his coat as he slipped on his shoes.

With that they both said their goodbyes and Chung-Ae sat down on the couch with a lap desk and looked over the contract, finally signing it after a long while. She crawled into bed with her brother, kissed him on the forehead, and drifted off into a dreamless sleep.

It had been about a month since they had settled in, and they had it pretty good. Chung-Ae had gotten a job as a waitress for a fancy restaurant a little under a week after they had moved, and as of last week she was one of the head waitresses. Myung had been good, having barely any tantrums and had been babysat by either the sweet old lady Mrs. Lee next door, or went with Kwang-Sun on adventures, they called it. These adventures were their boys day, and she had never been invited to one, as she was at work or they were top secret, as she was doing her writing or painting commissions. They were pretty stable financially, and Myung now had more toys than he'd ever have, and he'd also been preparing for school in a week, practicing his reading and writing. They'd go for school supplies tomorrow, but today Chung-Ae had to go to work.

Myung was particularly excited this morning, "Noona! I get to go on another adventure today! Hyung said that it was extra super top secret this time!"

"Alright just be careful honey, I want you to make sure that you come back without any scratches like last time okay?" Chung-Ae carried her brother down the stairs, as he loved to go really fast, and the elevator was really slow. Plus it kept her relatively fit.

"I promise to be really super extra careful this time Noona!" He smiled wide, his inky black hair brushing her cheek as she rushed down the stairs. They weren't late, but it was raining so the traffic was going to be horrible. "I love you Noona!" He gave her a kiss on her cheek, the action making them both smile wide.

"I love you too baby, I always will, forever and always okay?"

"Forever and always, Noona"

They reached the end of the stairs as they talked, and Chung-Ae spotted Kwang-Sun over by the couches.

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