Chapter VII

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"Not until we get a picture with you! We are your fans, you should be more considerate to us! It's your responsibility to make us happy right? So you have to let us do what we want you to do." The three girls pressed even closer to them, backing them up against the men's room door.

"Hey! You three!" Chung-Ae was angry, furious even, but she kept her cool. "These are my customers, yet you dare harass them in this establishment?"

The three girls turned around and smirked. "Who even are you? We are the top three waitresses in this restaurant, how dare you yell at us?"

Chung-Ae's face went blank, and her eyes darkened. "Where are your golden lapel pins then? If you have one you know that you have to be wearing it at all times."

The girl's faces turned red with anger, "How dare you! I've never seen you before, you're just a new employee who's gonna get reported for disrespecting her superiors."

"Yes, someone will be reported for disrespecting a superior, but it isn't me. I have worked here for a month and already have a silver lapel pin. You guys haven't been working for a week and you already are going to be let go for disrespecting a superior, harassing a customer, and impersonating a golden lapel pin." Chung-Ae's eyes glinted, the usual dark molasses turning a honey gold. "Move aside, and apologize. Then after you've done that, you are to turn in your uniforms to the host desk and be escorted out by the manager. I will check on you and if you aren't, I'll do so forcefully myself. If you have no respect for customers, you have no right of working here. Your paycheck and severance fee will be withheld as well for your consequence."

The girl's eyes widened, and they moved aside. The boys moved ahead of them and as soon as they made it past the girls, she turned around and walked the boys back to their table. "I apologize for them. You guys might be famous or something, but you guys deserve some downtime too. You guys got ice cream on the house today." Chung-Ae shot a smile at the tallest one. "I may not know who you guys are, but I know that you guys must be something special, I can just feel it."

"Oh thank you for getting us out of that mess earlier."

"What mess are you talking about?" By this time they had reached the table, and the males sitting at the table had heard the last comment.

Chung-Ae bowed to the table as they all sat down. "Three of our employees were harassing them by the bathrooms. I apologize for their behavior, they will be fired in a few minutes. Your ice cream is now on the house." She stood tall and said one last thing before leaving. "I will bring your check in a few minutes, press the button if you need me."

"Tell me what exactly happened boys, and why you all needed to go to the bathroom at the same time."

"Well, we all wanted to take a look at her notebook that she was writing in earlier, and figured out she writes songs! The one she is working on is so good! Her voice sounds amazing, and the way she wrote it down with notes about how she wants it to sound, although she probably doesn't know anything about producing by the way she words things. We have some pictures and video clips of it too if you want to see it!" He got super excited about it, and his dimples popped out as he spoke.

"Why were you guys being harassed?"

"Well, we were coming out of the bathroom, as we all had to go. When we came out there were three employees that recognized us and wanted pictures with us. We said no, but they wouldn't let us through, and she came around the corner and told them off. Along with harassing us, the three girls tried to tell her that they were higher-ups and that she would get reported for disrespecting them. What the funny part is was she knew that they'd only been working a week and that in a month became high seniority in the restaurant. So they were also fired for disrespecting her, impersonating a higher up, and also for harassing a customer." He ran a hand through his hair. "We couldn't push past them, cause if someone made the angle look bad it would've been super bad for our image."

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