The Three Head Off

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There is a song, but for some reason I can't place it. I can put a picture though. If I can I add it later I will, but for the moment I can't. It's called Tip and Dash in case you wanna go listen to it. But yeah wattpad is acting funny. Update: I can now put the song!

"Oh god, I can't believe I'm doin' this. Somebody stop me." Monoma says, giving in as the two cheer. "All right, then, we're in."

"On to Atlantica!" Katsumi says happily, while diving under the water while the two follow.

"Taming the tides. Swarming the seas." Sing Monoma, who swam to the ocean floor, "Beware, barracudas. Drop to your knees." While saying that a barracuda has appeared behind him. He turned around and his eyes widen, "Ah!" He quickly swims off and manages to hid behind a rock. Katsumi and Tetsu catch up to the penguin.

"Defending our friends and anemones."

"As big as a whale." Monoma jesters to Tetsu,


"With a much smaller tail." Katsumi carefully touches Tetsu tail, making sure not to hurt him.

"Facing the foe with our fearless flukes." Monoma swims up and the two watch wondering what he is doing. "Daring the dastards to put up their dukes. Great globs of gore. We'll storm the shore. And seek the unknown." The two follow him up above water, they happen to come up at a perfect time to see a volcano explode.

"Then can we go home?" Tetsu asked, diving under the water first before Monoma and Katsumi followed.

"Titanic Monoma and Daring Tetsu. Adventurers-slash-explorers. Titanic Monoma and Daring Tetsu. Adventurers-slash-explorers." The penguin and walrus sing, having a fun time as they swim, Katsumi spins around happily, enjoying their song.

"Our gallant quest to do our best and smile for our adorers!"

(K) "We'll save the day."

(T) "And make a splash."

"Titanic Monoma and Daring Tetsu." Soon the three stumble upon a old ship wreak, one that seemed to have a giant broken window.

"We'll clobber those crabs with their clammy claws." Monoma has picked up a small piece of wood, that kind of looked like a giant splinter. He fought a crab, Katsumi watched him, finding it funny.

"We'll shatter those sharks with their savagejaws." Tetsu was sitting in the crows nest, looking through a telescope.

(M) "The battle is fierce."

(T) "And mercifully brief."

"The conquering heroes return as kings of the reef." Katsumi sings, while getting the two to follow her, she shows them a makeshift table where the two sit. "We'll dine with the best. Dressed with a flair. Climb every mountain." Monoma sings, before getting up and the two follow him again.

"Because it's there. Come on, follow me. We'll make history." Monoma grabbed Katsumi hand with his flipper as they swim.

(M) "To courage, to us"

(K) "The trident."

(T) "Or bust!" Tetsu was swimming around and not paying attention, accidentally hitting Monoma.

"Titanic Monoma and Daring Tetsu. Adventurers-slash-explorers. Titanic Monoma and Daring Tetsu. Adventurers-slash-explorers." This time instead it of just begin the two of them, Katsumi joins in.

(M) "We'll save the day!"

(T) "And make a splash."



"And Daring Tetsu!"

"All for three and three for one! Atlantica. Here we come!" The three finish the song and soon laugh. Katsumi liked her new friends, even if Monoma can kinda be a jerk sometimes. She didn't mind however. She has delt with the biggest jerk of all, her father. She hasn't mentioned him to them yet as she didn't need to. She sighed before looking forward, ready to get that trident and become a mermaid forever.

They swim for hours, they talk, mess around, and have fun, not carrying it any fish looked them funny. They were just having a good time. Soon Katsumi saw something in the distance, she couldn't make it out at first, but as they got closer her eyes widen, "I knew it! It's real! Atlantica." The three swim towards the castle, Katsumi is extremely excited to talk and see other mermaids.

Overhaul in his cave was watching a projection, smirking as he saw the princess was at Atlantica."That's right, Princess. Just a little further. Shin! Joe! Go make sure that no one interferes with her return, hmm?" The manta-rays don't say or do anything to let overhaul know they heard him. They just dive under the water and swim off, heading towards Atlantica, to make sure naive child came back and no one stops her.

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