part 2

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Basically i'm sitting in my room on my floor trying to pick out a shirt to wear for Liams party... or is it Zayns uhm whatever the party and I can't decide between a Rolling Stones shirt or just a white shirt.

"Hey i'm here to pick you up, you ready?" Louis says

what the hell I didn't know he would be here now its like 6pm

"uhm yeah sure hold on, what time is it" I reply to his previous question

"7:56" he answers

By the looks of it he's texting someone probably Eleanor. Oh my god I forgot to invite Luena!I grab my phone and quickly text her


Have you heard about the party at Liams! you're so invited I just lost track of time sorry!

Luena <3

Of course I heard about it dummy and i'm coming lol meet you there.

"not trying to rush you but hurry up" Louis says sounding annoyed

I stand up and hit him with my shirt, I decided on The Rolling Stones one, I don't mind changing in front of people so why would it be any different with Louis. As I was standing in my mirror I saw Louis staring at me but I just brushed it off and put on my shirt.

"I'm ready now" I say smiling

Louis does his adorable smile he then walks out of my room leading us downstairs

"you two have fun, and stay safe" my mum says before we leave

"i'll keep my Hazza safe don't worry" Louis says and laughs

"bye mum I love you" I smile and blow her a kiss

Louis and I get in the car, his car smells like a smoke, Louis smokes all the time it's quite annoying. I try not to let it bother me considering he's nice enough to drive me places.

On the way there It was quiet i'm not sure if I did something wrong. Anyway I guess now I have some time to think before I get totally wasted at Liams. Ive been feeling weird lately i never used to hate or dislike Eleanor but all of a sudden it feels like im-

"You coming hazza? we're here" Louis taps my shoulder

I look up at him so confused, I was extremely spaced out. I can't even remember what I was thinking about... oh well

"I've spaced out again haven't I" I sigh

"maybe.. but that's ok" Louis says in a reassuring voice.

I think its abnormal the amount of times I space out during the day especially during class. Thats the worst. As soon as I get inside I see Eleanor running towards Louis and he kisses her. I've never felt more sick in my whole life that is until I saw.

"Luena hey!" I say

" Hi!!" she replies

"want to come grab a drink with me" I question

"Duh" she grabs my arm and leads me to the kitchen

When I turned to see what Louis was doing he rolled his eyes and continued on with El. Once we got to the kitchen Luena handed me a cup with straight vodka in it. I like it.

"Are we getting shit face tonight or what!?" Luena asks me while holding up her cup

Luena appears to be a bit tipsy that ok though. I respect.

"what do you think, duh" I say sarcastically

Luena goes and dances in the crowd I stay back and watch her just so I can make fun of her tomorrow, well and to see what Louis is doing of course, only because he's the one driving me home tonight duh. I watch to find the other boys, I see Zayn making out with one of the cheerleader, I see Liam sitting on the couch looking clearly unamused.

All of a sudden someone grabs Harrys arm and leads him to one of the upstairs bedrooms.

"uhm what is it?" I ask

wait is he crying?

"Nialler? are you ok" I frown

"I need to tell someone and I feel like you'll understand the most. after I tell you this please do not say anything or react until I tell you to ok?

I nod in agreement

"I have a crush on someone not a huge one but big enough to get upset when I see them kissing someone else.." Niall blurts out

I was very confused because Niall usually told us everything.

"ok you can talk now" Niall adds

"who is it?" I ask

Niall looks at me so sadly I have never seen the Irish lad so upset in my life.

"its Zayn"

My eyes widen and I feel my heart sink. I fully 100% support him but hearing him say that was so shocking. He starting crying even more. I wrapped my arms around him and hugged him so tight, moments like these are so valuable so I had to make sure I said everything right.

"Niall you can tell me anything, I don't care if you're bi, straight, gay it doesn't matter. You're still Niall, Niall my best friend.

Niall looked up at me and I had realized that he stopped crying, I felt so relived that I finally did something right.

"you don't even know how badly I needed to hear that. Please don't tell the others I'm not ready" Niall replies

For some reason I feel like I owe Niall so much I don't know it's like this feeling of I need to protect him.

*knock knock knock*

Niall and Harry look up to see Zayn entering the room, he looks confused and concerned. Harry gets up and fake smiles at Zayn. Zayn can tell something is up with Niall.

"What's wrong?" Zayn asks Niall

I hope Niall just tells him. What's the point in hiding these feelings, it would just be worse for him to go through it alone.

With that Harry walks out of the room and closes the door behind him.
He walks down stairs so see Luena practically doing it with some dude on the couch.

Why am I even here. I honestly just need to let loose I don't get why I can't just have fun like everyone else.

Harry walks into the kitchen and takes a few more shots before he walks out onto the dance floor. He can feel the alcohol coursing through his veins, he feels a rush of energy as a dances in the flashing lights. He feels like everything is going in slow motion he closes his eyes to see nothing but himself standing in a very dark room and at the end of it is a door. He immediately opens his eyes.

What the hell was that.

"Harry" Louis says happily
"Oh hey Lou" I reply happily

Louis starts dancing with Harry. Harry blushes seeing Louis so happy.

Louis looks into Harry's eyes as if he needed to tell him something important but he then looks away leaving Harry confused. Harry decides to leave it be and just have a good time, he grabs Louis hand and starts spinning him around like a girl.

Lou has the most amazing smile I can feel checks heating up, its not even hot in here what the hell!

"Harry do you wanna go to liams room, it's getting really loud in here" Louis yells over the crowd

Harry nods his head and follows Louis.

Louis sits down on liam's bed and pats the empty spot next to him. I sit down next to him
He doesn't really say anything so it's kind of awkward.


Louis doesn't answer he just looks up at me and stares at me. I stare back into his compelling blue eyes. I can feel my heart racing as Louis leans in.

"Louis lets go I'm bored here and I wanna be with you" Eleanor Yells from behind the closed door

Louis eyes widen he then says "sorry I've got to go" and rushed out of the room leaving Harry alone in liams room.

What just happened..
Hope you like it x

I'll be working on part 3 soon 🤍

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