Part 6

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"Go follow him, dumbass" Luena slapped my arm

I got up and walked outside to see Louis sitting on the steps. I sat down next to him
"You ok?" I say
"Yes Harry Jesus" Louis says angrily
"Louis whats wrong" I ask again
"Nothing Harry why can't you stay out of my fucking business you prick" Louis snaps

I feel tears forming in my eyes I turn to see Zayn standing in the door way

"Louis what the hell man he didn't do anything" Zayn yells.

I run inside to hide in the bathroom. I start hyperventilating from crying so much.

"Harry can I come in" Zayn says from the other side of the door

I get up to let him in

"What zayn" I say

"Louis didn't mean what he said he's just in one of his bitchy moods" Zayn replies

"Why would he treat his best friend like that, it doesn't make sense to me" I begin to tear up again

"I'll give you a Hint. Luena" he says

"What's Luena got anything to do with this" I ask defensively

"You'll figure it out eventually, it's pretty obvious" Zayn says

"Zayn let's go Niall wants you" Liam barges in

Liam smiles at me before taking Zayn and walking out of the bathroom. I decide to go find Luena, she's with the rest of the boys besides Louis. When I walk in she comes over and puts her arm around my waist. I wrap my arm around her and pull her in. I bet we look so real.

"Yo Luena you finally got a boyfriend you'll keep" Liam mocks her

"Shut the fuck up Li" I say back

Luena kisses my cheek.I look down and her to see her blushing. It makes me smile, sometimes Luena can be so adorable.

Louis walks In with Eleanor.

"Hey guys what's up" El says cheerfully

"Hey Eleanor!" Luena says

I've never been so mad in my entire life. I grab Luena's hand and drag her out of the room.

"What is it Harry" she questions me

"Why is he doing this to me! He just fucking broke up with her, it's like he wants to make me die inside" I say angrily

Luena hugs me. She says "just go along with our plan, it's obviously working."

I realize she's right, she has to be.

Luena and I raid the bathroom to find Liams girlfriends Makeup. When we finally do she makes fake hickeys on my neck and on hers.

"They look so real" she says while running her fingers over them

I look at her "yours too"

She starts smiling while she puts all of the makeup back the way we found it, I can't help but stare at her.

"What?" She asks me

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