[2] Hoseok

362 16 5

3rd person POV

Y/n looked at the Uno cards on the table. All the chairs were knocked over or broken but nothing had happened to the table. It was dark but not too dark that you couldnt see. There were two +4 cards on the table. If the game had continued Jimin would have had to draw 8 cards. But nobody except y/n was here now.

She had to find the others. A good way to start was probably to exit the room. Y/n walked over to the door. It was only half attached to the wall. That was probably Namjoons fault. She walked out of the door and into the next room.

The next room looked a lot better than the first. Almost nothing was broken except the things that had been broken from the start. The next was also a lot bigger than the first. At the other side of the room there was an open door leading to another room. Y/n could see stairs in the other room through the door. The house was completely silent except for a fly buzzing sometimes. She opened one of the other doors and looked in. It was a bathroom.

As if anyone would live here and use this bathroom, she thought. She exited the bathroom. She walked toward the room with the stairs. Halfway through the big room without stairs she stopped. It sounded like someone was dancing in the room with the stairs. She slowly walked toward the room where the sounds were coming from. She stopped in the doorway.

She could see a silhouette of a man dancing in the middle of the room. It was a beautiful dance. It was kind of weird to be dancing in this situation but the dance was still beautiful. The moves were fluid and precise. Suddenly the silhouette stopped and looked at her.

The middle of the room was empty but there were pictures of people from hundreds of years ago on the walls. There were also sofas, tables, chairs and a few plants against the walls of the room. There was a giant chandelier on the roof in the middle but it wasnt lit. There were no windows so the room was probably in the middle of the house.

Y/n walked slowly over to the silhouette. The silhouette didnt move. She came close enough to see who it was. Hoseok. She had found Hoseok!

"Hoseok. Hoseok its me." She said.

"Y/n!" Hoseok said.

They hugged.

"Why were you dancing?" Y/n asked.

"I was scared and sad. And dancing makes me happy so I started dancing." Hoseok said.

"Oh ok. Thats a good trick." She smiled.

"Do you have any idea where the others are?" Hoseok asked and smiled too.

"No." She said.

"Then we should search for them together." He said.

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