[4] Namjoon

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3rd person POV

"So anyway where is everybody else?" Jimin said.

"No idea." Y/n said. "Did you see anybody coming out of the room beside yours?"

They all looked at the room where the cardboardboxes were.

"That room? No. Why should anyone have come out of there?" Jimin said.

Hoseok explained about the globe.

"It does sound like someone was there. I still dont know who. But... Jin sus." Jimin said.

"Jin sus?" Hoseok said.

"Jungkook says that all the time." Jimin said.

Y/n began walking away in the opposite direction of the room they were looking at. She walked past the room she had been in when she had seen Hoseok. Jimin and Hoseok were still talking in the other end of the room. For some reason it was darker in this side of the room. Y/n couldnt really see anything. She pressed her hand against the wall and continued walking forward. Suddenly there was no more wall against her hand. She stumbled and almost fell.

She could just make out a big hole in the wall. The whole corner was missing. It opened into a room the size of the one she had walked past on her way here. There was no door. It looked like someone had just cut a piece of the wall off. She walked in.

Y/n couldnt really see anything. She carefully walked forward. She looked back. You couldnt see the opening in the wall from here. She couldnt hear Jimin and Hoseok anymore. She put hand against the wall and continued walking. She could feel her hand brush over a mirror but when she looked for the mirror on the wall it was too dark to see anything.

She stretched her other arm into the darkness to feel for something but nothing was there. She took her other hand away from the wall and moved away from the wall toward the middle of the room. She could feel a carpet under her feet now.

She moved a little further. Suddenly she felt another foot beside hers. She quickly moved away. She stuck her hand out toward where the foot was. Her hand found an arm. She grabbed the arm. The person pulled away.

"Its me. Y/n." Y/n said.

"Oh. Sorry." The person said.

Y/n recognized the voice as Namjoons.

"I found Jimin and Hoseok. Lets get out." Y/n said.

Namjoon took her hand so they wouldnt go separate ways. Together they walked in a random direction. Suddenly they stopped.

"We walked into a wall." Namjoon said.

They follow the wall until they could make out a an opening in the wall. Namjoon was the first to walk through. Y/n was about to walk through but suddenly a loud a loud sound came from above the opening. It grew louder and louder and then it stopped. Y/n tried to exit the room but the opening but there was no opening. Instead there was only cold hard metal. Y/n tried pushing the metal away but it wouldnt move.

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