[3] Jimin

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3rd person POV

Hoseok pointed at the room Y/n had come from.

"Have you been in there?" He asked.

"Yes. I didnt see anyone there." Y/n said.

They looked at the room they were in. The room had a lot of doors leading to other rooms. They went through the nearest door. It lead into a corridor. The corridor ended and they turned left into another corridor. The corridor had brown wooden walls and red carpets like the other corridor. They reached a small room at the end. The room was a mess. There were knocked over cardboardboxes everywhere. There was a curled up carpet on the floor too. In one side of the room there was a desk with a globe the size of a head on it. Hoseok went over the desk and looked at the globe.

"Only the bottom half of the globe has dust on it. The top doesnt have any. That means that something must have been on the globe recently or else it would have dust on it too. Someone has been here recently and taken whatever was on the globe." Hoseok said and looked at the cardboardboxes. "And they knocked over a lot of cardboardboxes so they must have left quickly."

Y/n nodded.

"I wonder who. But I dont think anyone is in here unless they are buried under the cardboardboxes."
Y/n said.

Hoseok pushed some of the cardboardboxes away and looked.

"Nobody is buried under the cardboardboxes. Thats nice to know I guess." He said.

They left the room again. They entered the room with the chandelier and looked around. There was another door just beside the one they had just exited from.

"Lets try that one." Y/n said.

They looked through the door. Another corridor just like the last one. There was a room at the end of the corridor. There was a silhouette at the end of the corridor. The silhouette quickly ran into the room when it realized they were looking at it. Y/n heard a sound kind of like a table being pulled against a floor. They followed the silhouette and went into the room. There were cobwebs everywhere. There were shelves everywhere on the walls. The silhouette was hiding under a table in the corner of the room. Hoseok took a step forward. The silhouette screamed.

"Am I really that scary?" Hoseok said and laughed.

The silhouette was silent for a moment then laughed too. Hoseok walked a little closer to the silhouette. Y/n stayed where she was.

"Hyung!" The silhouette said.

Y/n recognized the voice. It was Jimin. Y/n took a fra steps forward until she was just behind Hoseok. Jimin tried to get out but hit his head on the table and fell flat on the floor. They all started laughing. Jimin tried to get up but couldnt because he was laughing too hard.

"How did you fit under that small table? You have to be small to fit under there." Hoseok said and smiled and helped Jimin to stand up.

"Im not small Im just flexible!" Jimin said.

They left the room and went into the room with the chandelier again.

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