Chapter Two: The False Belief

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Chapter Two: The False Belief

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As Bella was drawn to his side, he reached behind her and pulled the large heavy doors closed by a latch. Then a click reverberated from wall to wall in the enormous place. The sound to Bella, seemed to worsen her fear of the estate and a foreboding sensation of being trapped permeated all around and loomed over her like a shadow.

Mr. Arosandro pulled her along, going through the grand foyer without delay. Bella found it strange he was so silent but moved with such dignity; she felt it was just his way. He seemed to wish nothing more but to get his job over with and get her to her destination right way. The sound of Bella's sneakers squeaking on the marble polished floor resounded over and over as she was led on.

Just over the vast staircase was the biggest candle chandelier Bella had ever seen. She trailed behind her forlorn guide and tilted her head up to look at the candle flames dance to and fro on their wicks.

When they came to the landing, he took a three-candle candelabra from the table and led Bella down a dark hall. Her guide was eerily silent as he gracefully walked ahead, not making a sound by movement or speech.

Bella seemed noisy and a bit out of place in this ancient house. She made a racket with every movement and tripped over a table leg as she turned a corner too sharply. Mr. Arosandro turned halfway around and gazed at her over his shoulder waiting for her to recover and catch up.

Bella had a daunting feeling invisible eyes watched her every move and it was obvious she was truly out of her element. She stuck out like a sore thumb here. This place was meant for royalty and she was seriously lacking in grace and style to be considered a part of such surroundings. Her guide however seemed to blend right in, unsurprisingly.

The next hall was the gallery. As Bella observed the paintings, she had another sensation of being watched and it intensified with every step. The paintings reacted differently in the candlelight and they seemed to come alive in the dancing dim glowing light. It appeared to her their eyes followed her as they looked down on her with their grave expressionless and empty stares. She came to an interesting painting in particular and stared until she felt a presence next to her.

"Ah, you come to the painting of my ancestors. They were great men of means and built this place when the new world was colonized in this area around the mid-eighteen hundred. They came from Italy and brought many servants and then their wives once this place was built and ready for them," he explained.

"That tall one looks like you, it's uncanny."

"Yes, we have a strong blood line I think," Mr. Arosandro said with a hint of a chuckle.

Bella gulped and looked around. "Um we?" She asked as if she half expected for someone to step out of the shadows to join them.

Mr. Arosandro nodded, and said, "Yes my brothers and I. But you will not see them now, they have other business."

Bella turned to look at the painting to see the other brothers. The raven-haired man in the middle smiled in an almost adoring way. The blonde on the right, smirked rather than smiled. He did it in an almost challenging manner. She had to force herself to look away. This painting too, drew her in and seemed to capture her attention most unwillingly.

Mr Arosandro cleared his throat as she inched to the side to move on, then finally caught up with him as her carried the light down father away. Bella half jogged and half dashed to catch up and slowed down skidding to a more normal pace at his side. She was clearly flustered as he moved on without her and she realized she had never been this jittery before. He was her only anchor now in this unearthly place to keep her from giving into her imaginations and his presence almost calmed her completely. She knew one thing; she had no wish to be left alone in here.

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