Chapter Eight: The Hunt

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Chapter Eight: The Hunt,

Marcus opened the door at the end of the passageway and revealed a large square room. He was the first to enter with Bella clinging from behind. Inside it was dark, but Marcus who opened the door found a candle and matches and made a light. Bella and Marcus peered around the large parlor that the candle only faintly lighted.

The floor had a rug in the center, thick of dust, which partly muffled their footfalls. Cobwebs were in the angles of the walls and hung from the ceiling like strips of rotting lace blowing in the disturbed air. The room had two windows in adjoining sides and there was a fireplace and some Victorian furniture. There was a table siting in the center of the sitting area, but all were covered by a white sheet, like some old-time movie. Not much was in there besides cobwebs and dust that was remarkable to note. Disappointing.

The orb that a moment ago came through the door was nowhere to be seen and Marcus moved over by the window and scanned the scenery beyond; leaving Bella to wander about the room. The sudden voice made Bella look at Marcus as she inspected the sitting area.

"Didyme where are you?" He said and paused to listen. "Answer me, cara mia. I am here." He called out into the darkness and grew disappointed; saddened as nothing but silence came to his expectant ears.

As Bella walked about the room her curiosity peaked as she thought on the mystery of the place.

Why did she lead us here and where did she go? Bella thought as she passed a large mirror over the small table holding the candle stick.

Bella searched the table for the matches and found them near by the candle. She took one out, struck it and lit the wick. She reached down and lifted her candle high and then looked at her image. A daunting feeling of fear surrounded her. Bella frowned at the face staring back at her, for it looked tired and stressed. She never in her whole life seen her face look so pale.

Bella screamed suddenly, realizing that she could see another face in the mirror apart from her own reflection. She turned around horrified but could see nothing but Marcus hurrying over to where she stood. She half expected to see a figure next to her but there was nothing there.

Bella turned to look at the mirror again and the beautiful woman from her dreams stood to the right of her and was now looking directly at Bella, not into the mirror at her before. As Marcus came to her side, Bella reached out with her hand and she could feel the woman's cool arm as if she were a corporeal being. For the first time out of her dream, Bella could see her so clearly as she stood close to her.

"Bella, my dear, what wrong?" Marcus said coming to her opposite side of her shoulder.

"There in the mirror! Do you see her?" Bella said aghast, shaking by the shock.

Marcus looked into the mirror and gasped. There in the mirror next to Bella was indeed Didyme, staring directly. She appeared in her flowing Grecian gown and looked at both with her red gleaming eyes. Bella watched in trepidation as Didyme's hand came up to touch her face causing her heart to thump wildly in her chest. She could feel the ghostly breeze as it wafted her face gently. This was the point Bella had been waiting for to see if she could communicate and see if the line between the living and the dead can be crossed.

"Please Didyme, how can we help you?" Bella asked in an emotional hoarse tone.

Marcus stood confused by the women's familiar exchange.

Didyme's eyes were so shiny with such happiness. Bella found she had to look away from the effect it had reflected. Didyme now had the attention of Marcus. He watched Didyme as she tried to speak and looked up at them in alarm as she could not make a sound.

The Haunted Man MarcusxBellaWhere stories live. Discover now