Chapter Ten: The Moments Of Many Truths

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Sob...sob this is it...that last chapter of this paranormal romance. I hope you all like it. Many thanks to those you reviewed and read my story:)

Chapter Ten: The Moment of Many Truths,

Aro went up the wide staircase to the second floor. On the landing he noticed one of the windows had been left open. He crossed the hall to close it but stopped as the view of the moonlit gardens magically fascinated him as the beams cast its light shimmering about the fountain and various flowers below. A breeze carried the scent of cherry blossoms to him, caressing his face.

What a peaceful night. He thought sighing in contentment.

Then Aro heard a whisper and froze, a voice so familiar it chilled him. Turning, he saw no one. He reached up to close the window, leaning to reach it but had to hang on to the frame tightly as something pushed him from behind hard. He stumbled back in shock. Then suddenly heard something else, laughter.
Quickly he reached and latched the window. The scent of hyacinth clung to the air, Didyme's scent. Aro looked at the table across the hall, someone had place them in a vase there. He almost laughed to himself. How silly to let his imagination play tricks on him? This place had him feeling too jumpy for his own good.

Aro moved over to the chair by the window and sat down to think a bit relieved it seemed to be all his imagination and nothing more. His thoughts drifted to his brother. He was pleased Marcus was getting on well with his new love interest, Bella. Perhaps he would be healed from his broken heart at last. Hopefully.


Someone unseen whispered on the wind softly to his ears. Aro shot upright from his slump as his thoughts were interrupted.


The whisperer's accusations floated to him along with that faint scent of hyacinths from the balcony. Aro glanced down the hall to see if anyone were about but he could not hear or see anyone. He rose out of his chair and cautiously approached the open balcony doors.

"Who's there? Show your self to me!" He demanded, but he need not have asked. Shimmering, sheer and luminous, Didyme stepped out of the shadows.

"Hello. Aro my brother. Care to join me?"

Aro gasped in horror, did she truly mean to kill him now? Aro gripped his hands together, rubbing nervously. "Ah, little sister, I think I will remain here. No thank you."

Didyme's form brightened slowly and seemed to solidify. She spoke with a sudden sweetness that shocked him.

"Can death part us dear brother, truly? I am here now with you from the grave Aro. My soul has come back to be near my love Marcus on this anniversary. I must reveal the truth, and you...I have come to deal with as well. Do not think that death has made me forget your cold hands around my neck."

Aro's eyes widen with fear as her voice changed into a serious commanding tone. Aro swayed as he took in her meaning and covered his mouth in dismay. He watched in horror as his sister floated in front of him now. Her unnerving smile never fading. She pointed her ghostly finger into his face.

"I will have peace dear brother. It took some time, but I have gained enough strength to finally put an end to all this suffering. Aro, hear me! You will not get in my way of getting closure. That little trick of tearing the pages from the journal will not thwart my efforts to get the resolve that I need. I am going to Marcus and Bella now. You must come with me; I will not take no for an answer."

With that said, she grabbed him and was able to physically pick him up and then floated at amazing speed to the bedroom, towards her love; to end it once and for all.

The Haunted Man MarcusxBellaWhere stories live. Discover now