Chapter Five: The Ghost

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Thank you all for your kind words and following this story. Here is the next one enjoy everyone. R and R if you like.

Chapter Five: The Ghost

Bella clung to Marcus a long time after the ghost had gone. It took equal time for Marcus to recover from his distresses, but it soon ebbed away. The atmosphere changed all at once from a heavy gloom to peace as the morning light began to shine though the curtains from the windows.

Aro rose to his feet and walked slowly to the nearest table and lit some candles that had gone out during the haunting. Caius recovered too. Now releasing the post carefully so not to send the canopy upon their heads.

Marcus turned in Bella's arms. She saw in them a sorrow so profound that it affected her deeply and a sob escaped her lips for him. As she shed a tear, Marcus reached out and wiped it away. He surprised her as he gave her a look of such gratitude that caused her to stare as he chuckled for the first time warmly.

"Oh, how I wished for you dear one. Someone to be kind to me, laugh, speak gently and relational with me. Despite the fact I am a monster in this haunted place, you still care for me. You have done me a kindness by sympathizing with me. Even your cries from the heart gives me some solace and hope." Marcus said to her in amazement.

Bella gulped down her sob to speak with him. Taking the time to wipe her tears away with her thumbs, she straightened up as Marcus watched her, waiting patently for her. Now composed, Bella started to speak with a shaken voice.

"T...that was a ghost! A real ghost! Bella said hugging herself to ward off the cold that permeated more than flesh. "Marcus, she is so sad, and I feel so sorry for her.

"Yes, it was my dearly departed wife and she has come once again this night."

"Again, you mean she comes every night like this?" Bella asked aghast.

"Yes, I don't know why she comes now to us after all these years but on this particular anniversary she has since we have arrived. I tried to communicate with her, but she has not been able to utter a single word. She just cries and paces about in frustration. It breaks my heart and I wish I new why she is not at rest. I feel desperate to help her. I know it sounds crazy, but I wish to die and join her at last."

As Marcus finished speaking the room grew colder unexpectedly. Aro stood suddenly from his chair and flitted over to Marcus's side.

"No brother! You must not talk like that! We will find her peace somehow, and then you will see, we will all be at ease."

Marcus sighed wearily. "Aro, when I am with her once more, I will have my peace then."

These words brought up unexpected feelings in Bella and she felt anxiety at the very thought of Marcus dying. She moved closer still instinctively and wrapped her arms around him from the side burying her face into his neck. She soon felt him relax into embrace then his hand came up and caressed her cool cheek softly.

"You are an extraordinary human for trying to comfort him. By God!" Aro exclaimed, shaking his head in wonder.

"Are you not frightened of us, Bella?" Caius asked.

"I was but I can't stand to see him suffer this way," Bella explained as she lifted her head and turned to hold Marcus's face with both hands looking deep in his crimson eyes. Bella watched his reaction. He seemed to search her carefully as she spoke and looked truly astounded by her caring words.

"Unbelievable! A human care for a vampire!" Caius exclaimed in wonder.

A horrible laughter came from Bella's throat because it seemed so inappropriate at a time like this. She should be cowering from them in some corner but no. She found that her courage came from an inner place.

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