Chapter Four: The Whisper In A Dream

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Chapter Four: The Whisper in A Dream

Bella was surrounded by darkness. She walked ahead going toward the only light at the end of the hall. A voice calls her name in the distance as if carried on the wind. The words inviting but in need of help. Bella could feel its urgency causing her to quicken her pace.

"Bella...Bella, come to me."

Bella took off. As she ran toward the end, she stepped out into a beautiful garden. Moving under the nearest tree she gazed at the rising mist as it began to float around her. Bella called back, screaming for her.

"I hear you! Where are you?" Bella shouted then paused to listen, her eyes searching to what lay beyond for any movement or sign.

The moon shone brightly all around but the mist made it hard to see as it rose obscuring her vision. The moonlight hardly made it possible to see because of the glare through the mist's density. Bella realized then that she did not want to stay long. Fear crept up her spine as she waited alone in the growing dark. She could feel the cool dew coating the grass under her bare feet. This gave her something to hold on to, something tangible to stabilize her from real and the imaginary.

Though it was cold and there was a slight breeze, she was in no discomfort. The wind blew her dress causing it to wrap around her legs as she stared out longingly into the night.

"Bella...I need you! Without you, all hope is lost!" The disembodied voice cried out in desperation.

Bella feeling the yearning in the voice leaned placing her hand on the nearest branch to peer all around for the source to emerge. Slowly she stumbled forward, stretching out her hands like the blind trying to feel her way. Her heart froze as she heard the woman cry. Her mournful wailing made Bella feel as though she was losing her mind.

"" He voice grows small in a whisper.

I can't ...I don't know how to find you!" Bella called back in panic as she heard the voice begin to fade.

The sobbing continued and the feeling of empathy was raw in Bella's mind. The voice's cry of the heart reverberated inside Bella's very soul. Bella bravely ran ahead trying to reach her. Hope plays a wicked game with the mind as it became clear that she was lost, impossible for Bella to reach. Lost in the bitterness of despair the voice remained, far away in the increasing mist. Bella stopped and looked frantically around. Her surroundings began to fade from her vision. She suddenly felt like she was falling in the swirl of the emptiness, tumbling down as if in slow motion.


Her heart was now beating like a drum as if she had been running. She now realized after a moment or two it was the nagging dread from her dream. Bella had lost her and regretfully felt she had failed her. As she lay there still and listened, she could hear voices drifting toward her ears. Things came to her more and more as she became aware. The sensation of the soft bed and pillow under her head. The warm covers over her body warded off the cold of the night. Bella listened more closely now to what sounded like men taking together, afraid of opening her eyes, Bella stayed as still as she could, pretending to be asleep.

"It is clear my plan worked and anyway she is here. So, lets make the best of the situation. Though Marcus, you might have been less like your melancholy self and showed some kind of warmth toward the girl." A soft voice chided.

"As you should know Aro, I meant her no harm. She should have been aware that I was no threat to her." Marcus defended himself.

"Oh yeah sure Marcus. I don't think you have an idea how your grave, unfeeling manner can cause one to be wary of you." Aro said with a tone of impatience.

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