Chapter Six: The Life To Save

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Chapter Six: The Life to Save

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Bella screamed loudly into the pillow as terror griped her rapid beating heart. The force of hands prevented her from any maneuver to break free. She willed herself to calm now as she realized that she was in a gentle embrace but held her firmly. Her breath came softer now as her heart race slowed to a normal pace.

Shhh, Bella my sweet. You had a terrible nightmare and almost fell out of bed." Marcus said to her soothingly.

Bella was slowly released and turned in Marcus's enveloping arms. Now seeing the look of tenderness in her eyes Marcus pulled away. His breath hitched as he made contact with her bare arms and the feeling of energy between the returned. Marcus's eye's darted nervously from her to and unknown place behind her. Something frightened him as he flitted off, deserting her once again.

Bella sat up in shock and anxiousness. The feeling of abandonment overcame her, and she fought the urge to cry. Then unexpectedly a cold chill flooded her space causing goosebumps to rise with her hair standing on end. She looked around the room for the source. It was well lit in the afternoon sunlight. However, this brought her no comfort as she sat still rooted to the spot as the feeling of a presence surrounded her. Despite of the sunlight, darkness closed in.

Bella was careful not to make a sound. Just the soft inhaling ang exhaling of her breath could be heard from her trembling lips. A sudden cool breeze passed through her and she shivered then held herself protectively.

"Marcus?" Bella called nervously out to the empty room and shrank back in fear as the silence consumed her voice.

A feeling of dread returned as Bella sat listening to any possible sound to reach her ears. She leaned forward and strained to hear. She hoped with all her heart Marcus would hear her and return. His presence was missed because it was the only thing keeping her sane right now. His strength and reassurance he gave was surprising and desirable right now.

Suddenly, Bella felt a strong heavy grasp on her shoulder. She turned stiffly around. The apparition presented itself again before her eyes. In the empty space on the bed by her side sat a woman. She was beautiful and strangely familiar. Upon closer inspection the specter did have some visible features. Perhaps because the ghost glowed so bright before that Bella could not make her out. But now Bella gazed at her. Her translucent form shimmered with power as it seemed to fluctuate as it ebbed and flowed. The ghost slipped off the bed and motioned Bella forward.

Bella moved despite her growing terror. The apparition melted through the door and the last thing Bella saw was its ghostly hand waving her to follow her. Bella hesitated for a moment as a flash of reasoning entered her mind begging her to reconsider but found the invitation pull at her curiosity. She moved as if automatically as if in a dream she was compelled to see it though until the end. When she entered the dark hall, the ghost's phosphorescent light shined wall to wall ahead, illuminating the way. The spirit touched neither floor nor ceiling as it glided though the air. The dress and hair billowed behind it in waves.

At last the specter stopped at the library and Bella saw it melt through the double doors leaving Bella in sudden darkness. Bella lunged forward, searching for the doorknobs she saw moments ago and clattered around the hall, knocking things about with her hands, sometimes grasping nothing in search for the knobs. Finally, she felt the cool metal of the knobs and gave them a turn. She opens the doors, swinging them wide. Bella moved forward and entered the dark still room then turned to see the spirit floating in the middle of the room amid the rows of books. Her dim light was the only thing penetrating the darkness as she rose and drifted down, facing away from Bella.

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