Chapter Nine: The Message

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Chapter Nine The message,

The figure was screaming back at her as they stumbled back a few steps. Bella did not know if it was an echo to her or what, but she wasn't going to wait and find out. She wiggled in the strong embrace, trying to get away.

"Isabella!" She heard it say.

Oh my God it knows my name! Bella thought in shock.

She panicked and began fighting its terrible hold her, but she struggled in vain to break free. She was about to faint when it shook her.

"Bella! It's me!" It said insistently.

Me? Me who? Marcus? No. She thought confused, it did not sound like him at all.

It spun her to face it. In the light of the waning moon from the window, for night had fallen now. Aro thrust his face in hers and held her chin to look into her eyes.

"For heaven sakes, you scared the life out of me," Aro whispered. His soft voice breathless.

"Aro?" Bella asked incredulously. "What the hell are you doing here?"

"What am I doing here? Isabella, you should not be here. What are you doing up there?" He asked looking her over then up the stairs.

Bella noticed surprise flash in his eyes as he gazed down in her arms. She must look in a terrible state to make him look that worried. She had difficulty composing her emotions and thoughts. She was so worked up she had a hard time catching her breath because her still heart raced in her chest. She shook her head to answer his question and gave herself a moment. The thing she had tucked under her arm; she slipped into her pocket.

"What in heaven's name were you screaming about?" Aro asked looking concerned at her as she slumped in his embrace.

"Did you see anyone else down here?" Bella asked breathlessly.

"No." Aro answered.

"Or hear anything?" Aro shook his head.

"You didn't even hear me yelling for Marcus?" She asked in disbelief.

"I heard you screaming your head off, so I came running." Aro said.

Bella shook her head. So strange. Nothing made sense at all. Where was Marcus? Why didn't Aro know where he was?

"Were you with Marcus?" Aro asked searching her face with his red inquiring eyes.

"Yes, he left me when the lights went out. I don't know if it was the disturbance that made him run or something I have not seen. I'm worried about him and what happened to him." Bella said with an involuntary shiver.

"We should go back, and Marcus will be fine. I assure you." Aro said gently, perhaps sensing her mental state and seeing her trembling.

Bella nodded, eager to get moving back to her room. They carefully descended the rest of the staircase. She hoped she never have to go up there again. There was a comforting sense of normality downstairs away from that small dark space. The air was oppressing, and it hung so heavily in the darkness that felt suffocating.

"Did you see anything frightening up there?" Aro asked alongside of her walking.

"I thought I did but it was so dark." Was all she said on the subject as they made their way back down to her room.

If Aro was roaming the floor below while she was upstairs, and he did not see any sign of Marcus, maybe Marcus ran into something that stopped him from returning or worse and hurting him somehow. The thought made her eager to find him immediately. Remembering her camera, Bella looked down at her hand. It was not working, which meant any proof of what happened would have to wait until she got it fixed or maybe some new batteries to make it work again if she were lucky. She hoped it would not have to wait until she got out of there. If she got of there that is.

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