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"see you later!" i yell out as i walk up to my front porch. fuckshit yelled back at me "later shawty" and drove off. i could feel my eyes roll to the back of my head. he always flirts with me always has, even when were little, but now it's just a little weird cause were both older and more um "developed" you could say. but i don't really mind, i guess it keeps me on my toes and thinking of him in a sexual way doesn't completely gross me out.

i approach my door only to realize that i've let my keys in fuckshit's car AGAIN this has happened several times already i look like an idiot, no one was home so i only had one option, i had to call him.

i dialed his number and he answered with

"wassup shorty watchu need"

"hey i left my keys in your car again, can you drive back to my house please?" -i asked

"damn i mean i guess... i just find it funny how you keep "forgetting" your keys in my car, if you tryna find an excuse to see me more often all you gotta do is ask mamas"-fuckshit said

"haha very funny" i said sarcastically

"what do i get if i bring you them"-fuckshit asked

"... your best friend with a smile on her face"i giggled

"you got a cute smile so that's fine by me"-fuckshit said

"whatever loser"- i said while laughing

"be there in 2"-fuckshit said while hanging up

fuckshit doesn't live very far from me its like a 1 minute drive, he could totally skate but i think he thinks his car makes him look cooler... which it does, but like nobody should tell him that. We don't need his ego boosted even higher than it already is.


I hear his car pull up and i turn around to see him dangling my keys out the car window

"hey mamas come get your keys"-fuckshit

i walk up to the car and try to grab them but he keeps teasing me and lifting them up every time i go to grab them.

"olan, my keys"-i said 

i used his real name because i know he hates it and i hate games.

"aye shawty why so serious, what are you having for dinner"-fuckshit questioned

"i don't know my dad still hasn't gone to the store so maybe some canned soup. why you askin?"-i said

me and my dad don't have a lot of money, especially after my mom died, even before she died we were struggling with money, but fuckshit's family is middle class so sometimes i feel embarrassed talking about my situation with him even though he already knows about it.

"what time does your dad get off work?"-fuckshit asked

"8 but hes staying at his friends place tonight, so he probably wont be home till like 10 am tomorrow. why are you asking all these questions?"-i asked 

"get in"-fuckshit said while smiling

"not until you tell me why"-i said

"damn you a feisty one tonight. just hop in"-fuckshit pleaded

i cross my arms and give him a condescending look

"come on ma, do you trust me?-fuckshit asked

it started to get cloudy and out of nowhere it started pouring down hard

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