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*2:24 AM*

"man n***a what the fuck?"-i said while turning to look at alex who was awoken during the pounding on my front door

"who's here it's fucking 2 am, also whoever is knocking like that at this time is gonna have a lot of explaining to do to your parents..."-alex said while rubbing her eyes

"nah my parents stayed in a hotel tonight cause it's "dAtE nIgHt"-i said while rolling my eyes

"you might wanna get that..."-ray said while waking up as well

"yeah yeah!"-i say while getting up

i make my way upstairs and open my door, it was alex's dad...

he pushed his way through ans into my house

"WHERE IS SHE?"-mr. obrien yelled

"i don't know i thought she was at home"-i lied

"ALEX! ALEX!"-mr. obrien yelled


i heard fuckshit arguing with a man but the voices were muffled, i didn't know who it was until i heard my name...

"oh no, that's my dad. ray what do i do?"-i said while standing up

"get dressed quick grab your board and i'll sneak us out the basement door, i'll be right behind you and start heading for my apartment okay?"-ray whispered

"o-okay"-i whispered back while grabbing my clothes still hearing them argue

just as we opened the door we heard fuckshit yell

"search the house if you want she's not here!"

i tiptoed up the stairs that lead to the backyard and left the backyard through the gate with ray following close behind me

"go! go! go!"-ray whisper yelled for me to put down my board and start skating to his place

so i did, it was like a ten minute skate but we made it as soon as i got in i got a call from fuckshit

"baby where'd you go?"

"me and ray snuck out and left i'm gonna sleep at his tonight and figure this out tomorrow, so what happened with my dad?"-i said while plopping down on rays bed

"oh okay, um basically he just yelled at me for a bit blah blah blah and then left"-fuckshit said

"okay, i'll see you tomorrow baby?"-i asked

"yeah for sure motorz at 11?"-fuckshit asked

"olan we have to go back to school we've already missed two days, and i wanna graduate..."-i said

"fine fine fine motorz at 3?"-fuckshit asked

"yeah that works, ill see you tomorrow at school?"-i asked

"maybe."-he said fast

"olan..."-i said sternly

"alright fine ma!"-fuckshit whined

"goodnight i love you"-fuckshit said

"goodnight i love you more, most! haha who got the last word now! lalalalalalala-"-i said before hanging up

i walked over to rays kitchen and grabbed a capri-sun and a packet of goldfish

"your twelve at heart i swear to god?"-ray giggled

"hey man i'm not the one who has this shit in MY house!"-i protested

"hey whoa whoa whoa, i only buy them for you..."-ray said while giggling

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