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(i apologize in advance...)


"oh yeah sorry!"-i said while turning around

"whatever that's a dumb rule anyways"-alex said while pulling her shirt over her head in frustration

i was confused if i should turn around or not, so i just stood there looking at the wall behind her... but my eyes couldn't help but trail off to her body, she was wearing black panties with the words "bite me" across her ass in pink bubbly cursive writing and an old over sized 2pac t shirt of mine

she was so beautiful, and if i'm being honest i don't think i'm completely 100% over her


i felt rays eyes shift towards me, at this point i don't fucking care. i'm so so unbelievably stressed about fuckshit. i just wanted fuckshit's touch, his tongue down my throat, i wanted him to be safe and out of jail...

"like what you see"-i said while giggling

ray just coughed and looked away


"i'm jus playin"-i said while hugging him from behind

he coughed and walked away from my grasp which was weird

"anyways... you, you um wanna order a pizza?"-ray said while walking into his bedroom

"um sure i guess, whats wrong?"-i said while following him

i plopped down on his bed and cuddled up to him, i always cuddle my boys. my favorite thing to do with them is cuddle puddle and skate and smoke, i just love spending time with them

ray moved away...

"nothing"-ray said while picking up his phone to dial the pizza place 

i took his phone outta his hands and grabbed them

"ray."-i said while sitting up

"alex."-ray said while sitting up

"tell me whats wrong."-i said

"nothings wrong!"-ray said

"mhm, okay... so why wouldn't you hug me or cuddle me?"-i said

"cuz... i don't wanna... you know"-ray said while motioning towards his dick

"but why would you get hard you don't even like me like that right? and what about jasmine?"-i asked

"alex your a girl in my bed with no pants on trying to cuddle me... why wouldn't i get hard?"-ray said while looking down 

"yeah but jasmine..."-i said quietly

the tension in the room was unbearable... ray finally broke the silence

"i know, i'm just saying it's normal..."-ray said while lying back down

"oh hehe..."-i said nervously while giggling

maybe this wasn't a great idea... i put on a pair of rays sweatpants and went to bed forgetting about the pizza. i woke up to ray making eggs. i look up and see one of rays shirts that said "kools" and some jeans i left over here all folded up on the end of the bed.

"morning, i didn't know what a good outfit is but i figured jeans and a t shirt will work... right?"-ray said while handing me a plate of eggs

"it's perfect"-i say while letting out a little giggle

"alex, fuckshit doesn't get bailed out till friday..."-ray said while passing me the ketchup

"what? i thought he was getting bailed out today?"-i said while lowering my eyes

"nope, his mom payed the bail but they wanna keep him in for a bit to "teach him a lesson"..."-ray sounded disappointed

i was upset, i missed fuckshit. i want him, i want his hands on my ass and his lips on my neck, i miss our stupid conversations at 3 am on the phone and in person. 

"oh."-i sat while poking at my food eventually taking a bite

"c'mon get dressed you gotta get to school"-ray said while standing up from the table

"okay"-i said as i stood up with him and handed him my dish

i changed in ray's room and i bused to school, all eyes were on me. i felt like i was on display at a museum, being the reason all that shit went down yesterday was not fun.

i got to 4th period and was so done with today, i just wanna go to motorz and chill with my friends

i was not focused the whole period, until i got a call from an unknown number. it could be the county jail so i had to answer it...

"i have to take this"-i said while grabbing my stuff and leaving the class

"ms. o'brien! get back here immediately or you will get after school detention!"-my english teacher called out

i raised my middle finger before slamming the door shut behind me 

"hello?"-i said while walking down the empty halls 

"hey mamas, i got an extra 5 minutes of call time for good behavior!"-fuckshit sounded proud of himself

i knew who it was when i heard "mamas" ugh i miss him

"fuckshit? good behavior?"-i said sarcastically in a shocked tone

"no, but for real, good job baby i'm proud of you"-i said while smiling

"if i keep up my good behavior for tomorrow i can get out on thursday morning!"-fuckshit said

"please PLEASE keep up the good behavior i miss you"-i pleaded

"oh yeah, what do you miss?..."-fuckshit knew damn well what i missed

"o-oh um smo-smoking with you?"-i stuttered

"sure shawty we'll go with that..."-fuckshit giggled

"oh shut up you know what i miss!"-i giggled back

"no i don't think i do, you might need to tell me..."-fuckshit said

"i miss your firm grip on my hips, your tongue inside my mouth, your lips on my neck and i miss the cute smile you make when i scream your name. I MISS EVERYTHING."-i said while walking out of the school

"fuck ma, i miss all that shit too."-fuckshit whined

"my times running out! bye mami i love you"-fuckshit whispered

"i love you too"-i said before hearing dial tone

ugh hopefully he keeps up his good behavior!!

4:00 pm

my mind was somewhere else the whole day I MISS FUCKSHIT. at the end of the day we all met up at motorz and chilled but it wasn't the same without fuckshit... i can't wait till friday!!!

"yo i swear rakim is still in the hospital!"-ruben called out

"yeah i heard fuckshit almost killed him"-sunburn chimed in

"really?"-i asked 

i was shocked, i knew it was bad but not this bad...

"yeah, i heard a rumor that he was asking for you at the hospital..."-ruben said

"shit, why?"-i asked with a confused look on my face


Why does rakim wanna see alex?

Will fuckshit get out early on good behavior?


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