23. 2 LINES

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"good morning baby"-fuckshit said before giving me a kiss on the forehead

"yo are we just never gonna go back to school"-i said

"imma drop out and get my GED"-fuckshit said

"honestly same"-i was serious

"really?"-fuckshit asked

"yeah. schools so toxic and i just wanna spend more time living life and experiencing things and going on new adventures, you know?"-i responded while grabbing his hand

"i'm sayin!"-fuckshit exclaimed

"so let's do it..."-i say while sitting up

"how?"-fuckshit questioned

"i don't fuckin know"-i shrugged my shoulders

"come lay back down i'm cold!"-fuckshit whined

"poor you!"-i giggled

before i knew it he grabbed both my arms and yanked me back down into his chest

"damn boy, you almost gave me whiplash"-i laughed

"not the first time..."-he mumbled

"i swear to god! you want these hands?"-i said in a joking matter

"any day bitch"-he said

i climbed on top of him and grabbed his hands trying to push them back and pin them to the bed but he's fairly strong, he rolled us over so he was on top of me and pinned my arms to the bed with ease...

"you done now?"-he asked

i thought for a minute, i can't let this dummy win

"no."-i said

"you sure?"-fuckshit said while tightening his grasp on my wrists


"well... i don't want you to feel bad when i beat you so yeah i'm done"-i said

"i'm good to keep going"-fuckshit said knowing i was lying

"no no its okay we'll call it even, i don't want you getting hurt"-i said as he let me go and sat back down

"mhm"-fuckshit said with a smirk

all the sudden my stomach started to turn and i felt like i had to throw up but i tried to keep it in until i couldn't no more...

i got up and ran to the bathroom down the hall and threw up

"baby whats wrong... oh shit!"-fuckshit yelled as he realized i was throwing up

i heard him running down the hall after me

"come here come here"-he said while holding my hair back and rubbing my back

"i'm gonna go get you crackers and some juice"-fuckshit said while tying my hair back and getting up

i weakly held a thumbs up.

in my head i'm thinking would it be so bad if i was pregnant? i mean look at how he takes care of me, i hope he would stay with me... i mean i know he loves me but a baby could scare him. i'm taking the test today.

"okay ma i'm back"-he said while placing the crackers and juice on the bathroom counter

i had stopped throwing up and that's when the questions started...

"whats wrong? why have you been throwing up lately?"-he asked while wiping my face and hands with a damp towel

"when i don't eat in the mornings i feel sick"-i said while reaching for the crackers

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 06, 2022 ⏰

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