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"how dare you."-ashley yelled at fuckshit

"i'm calling my daddy and having him fire your parents!"-ashley said while pulling out her phone

"do it."-fuckshit said while opening another beer

"huh, but your parents..."-ashley questioned

"what about it?"-i asked

"your gonna be broke!"-ashley said while smirking

"nah... i don't think so."-fuckshit said while giggling

the boys heard ashley yelling from outside and came back in

"yo, yo what the fuck is going on"-ray asked while walking beside the couch

"this bitch here was kissing all up on my man"-ashley said while pointing at me

"nah, i'm sorry. you're officially banned from this store"-ray said while opening the door

"ouu shit! haha bye bitch!"-ruben said while giggling and plopping down next to me and fuckshit

"shut up! at least i don't get beat by my parents and they actually love me!"-ashley said while crossing her arms

ruben's smile slowly dissapered, that was low and i felt ruben's pain when she said that, so i stood up and stood mere inches away from her face and said in a low tone

"you can leave the easy way, or my way"

"reall-"-ashley tried to talk before i cut her off

"really."-i said while standing closer

she huffed and stormed out but not before fuckshit said something

"oh and ashley?"-fuckshit said

"what?"-she said while turning around

"next time you go and flirt with a guy, unstuff your bra. it's misleading..."-fuckshit giggled

the crew all broke out in laughter as ashley stormed out of the store.

we all laughed and talked while the sun went down

*8:45 pm*

"wanna hang tonight ma?"-fuckshit asked while lighting a joint

"and by hang you mean?..."-i questioned fuckshit's motives with a smile on my face

"i just wanna cuddle, we don't gotta do shit if you don't want mamas"-fuckshit said before kissing me on the cheek

"ok! but your parent's get home early tomorrow morning."-i said while bringing fuckshit's hand up to my face so i could hit the joint in between his fingers

"sneak me in ma?"-fuckshit asked with puppy dog eyes

even though it was risky as fuck how could i say no to those gorgeous green eyes, i blew the smoke in his face and said

"fine. but you gotta be quiet, like i'm dead serious."

"alright, we'll head out at 11?"-fuckshit asked

"sure."-i agreed

"hey wanna go to the diner?"-ray asked while standing up

"i'm down"-i said

"yeah let's go"-fuckshit said while grabbing his board

we piled in fuckshit's car and drove to the diner

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