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"why do you never open up to me?"-i asked sternly 

"i open up to you about everything, but god forbid you share your feelings with me"- i said while rolling my eyes

"fine. you want me to be a pussy?"-fuckshit said while turning to face me

we both sat up in his bed and across from each other

"sharing your feelings doesn't make you a pussy, i think it makes you ten times hotter!"-i said reassuring him

"okay here it goes..." 

fuckshit started to talk about how he was feeling... he was looking down a lot and playing with my hand because he was nervous but i thought it was cute.

"it's just that...it's great having the house to myself cause i can have people over and do whatever i want, but part of me wishes my parents were around more often. they're never around and i miss them a lot."- fuckshit said as a single tear rolled down his cheek

"i always thought you had it easy, having no parents around..."-i said while grabbing his hand 

"compared to you i have it easy, and that's why its difficult for me to open up to you because i just feel like a bother cause i know you have it worse than me."- fuckshit said as more tears started rolling down his cheek

"olan. you are never a bother, ever. look at me"-i said

he looked up at me and started balling but he was quiet because he didn't want his parents to hear him. i just held him as he cried in my arms. i was kissing his forehead and scratching his back and we eventually fell asleep around 8:30 AM...

* monday, august 14th at 3:45 pm*


i woke up cuddled up against alex, god she's beautiful. last night was a lot i hope alex doesn't think i'm all soft now, but it felt good to just let it all out and vent to someone. i heard a quiet groan come from alex, she was waking up

"good afternoon ma"-i said while she looked over at me 

"afternoon? what time is it?"-alex said looking at me very confused 

"3:46 pm"- i said

"oh shit! that was a good sleep though. wanna go to motorz?"-alex said while playing with his hair

"sure mamas, get ready!"-i said while sitting up


we arrived at motorz and saw the boys sitting on the couch. fuckshit hadn't talked to ray since ray tried to kiss me. you could cut the tension in the store with a knife...

"hey, they're alive!"-ruben snickers to stevie

i just giggled, but when i looked over at fuckshit he was giving ray an awkward look and ray was looking down. i knew ray felt bad, i could tell.

"yo ray"-fuckshit called out

"can i talk to you outside for a minute?"-fuckshit said with a straight face

"yeah sure..."-ray said while getting up

the room was dead silent. i turned to fuckshit quickly and whispered

"be nice and no fighting, okay?"

he was silent

"OK?"-i said more stern

"i know i just wanna talk and resolve things"-fuckshit squeezed my hand and whispered back

ray and fuckshit walked out of the door to the side of the building so we couldn't see them threw the glass windows. it wasn't long till the rest of the boys started bombarding me with questions...

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