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i opened my front door and stepped inside of my shitty house that smelt of cigarettes, weed and alcohol

"hey dad i'm so sorry for not being at school, i had a panic attack"-i said

"that's no excuse alexandra."-my dad said while stepping closer to me

ugh "alexandra" my full name made me cringe. no one and i mean no one calls me that

"you were probably out with that blonde little n****r"-my dad yelled

my jaw dropped. my dad is white. i felt my face flush red with anger. there's no point in trying to reason with him, he was drunk like always.

"no dad, i just- it's just that i-..."-i stumbled over my words partially from anger but mostly because i'm the worst liar EVER ugh.


this time my dad hit me in my stomach, probably to hide the marks from the school and fuckshit...

my dad grabbed my chin forcefully and brought it close to his face

"your not to see that boy again. am i clear"-he asked

"but dad i've known him my whole life you can't just take him away from me"-i said before scrunching up my face knowing i was about to be hit again...


"yes sir"-i said before he let go and i fell back. i made my way up to my room and plopped down on my bed, just thinking, thinking about everything i possibly could before eventually falling asleep

*6:24 pm*

i was sleeping peacefully till i was so rudely awaken from my nap by my phone blowing up.



"yo where u at? come to motorz!"

fuckshit <3:

"ma u good? cum to motorz"


"come to motorz bro"


"hey can you come to motorz maybe? i miss you!"


"hey! i learned a new trick, come see?"


"jesus"- i muttered to myself

moments later i got a call from fuckshit...

"baby! baby! baby! yo she answered!"-fuckshit said

"can you come to motorz? i'll pick you up AND buy you mcdicks..."-fuckshit sounded hopeful

i thought to myself, what if my dad figures out that i'm hanging out with him again, what will he do... but i can't just stop hanging out with him he's my fucking boyfriend and i love him but my dad...

"shordy? hello??, yo i think she hung up"-fuckshit snapped me back into reality

"no no no i'm here"-i said before he almost hung up

"soooo?"-fuckshit waited for my answer

"um okay but don't pick me up at my house, pick me up at the end of my street around the corner, ill explain when u get here okay?"-i said while twirling my hair around my fingers in anxiousness

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