Day 1

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I was walking in the park with my best friend when we spotted a cute small boy sitting on a bench. He was writing something in his notebook and I found his concentrated face adorable. My friend Yeosang noticed it because when we got closer to him he pushed me and I fell beside him bumping into his legs. He didn't even make a sound, how strange, just looked at me confused.

"I'm sorry," I said bowing head and he nodded then returned his gorgeous blue eyes to the paper. "As apology please allow me to buy you coffee." I tried to ask him out but he then shook his head not even watching me.

How rude! I thought, because he could at least refuse verbal instead of staying silent. I got up from the bench and tried to return to my giggling friend. Before I could walk away I could feel something pulling my left hand. I turned my head expecting to see him holding me back. Instead of that my pinky finger was tied with red string and guess who was on the other end. Yeah, it was him. The silent boy was studying the red string, then he looked up at me. His eyes weren't happy at all.

"Hey, Hwa, let's go!" I heard my friend calling me and I looked at him then at the boy, he was still studying it, so I let out a little sigh and turned to my friend.

"I'll stay here, Yeo," I told him not even looking his face . After that, I grabbed the boy's wrist and he looked up. He understood what was in my mind, quickly packed up his things and we walked together to the near cafe. I choose the empty table at the back and we sat there. I gave him the menu and he read it immediately and then looked at me showing 3 with his fingers. I looked down the list to number 3 iced americano.

"Can't you just say it?" I asked and he shook his head pulling her phone out of his pocket. He wrote something on it and showed it to me making my jaw drop. Now I felt like an idiot.

"I'm mute." were his words, I gulped and nodded still kinda shocked. I came back to my senses because the waiter came to us, asking what we wanted. I ordered iced americano for both of us, then turned to the mute boy. His blue eyes studied me curiously which made me a bit uncomfortable.

"We both see the red string, right?" I said just so I could start a conversation if that was possible. He nodded and touched the string, pulling it. As he pulled it pulled my hand too now it was even shorter than before.

"So what we gonna do now?" he asked me using his phone. However, I had no idea. Not even how the red string worked, the only thing I could remember was only soulmates got tied together. But he couldn't be my soulmate, right? I let out a sigh and looked him before getting my phone out.

"I don't know," I said which made him frown. "Do you know how this thing works?" I asked and he typed quickly on his phone.

"Soulmates get tied together?" and he knew as much as me. I ran fingers through my hair and tried to find some information about the red string on the web at least we could give it a chance. It was a bit hard because most places talked only about what we already knew. We even got our coffees while I was looking. After a few more minutes I found a page of old folklore book. I turned my phone to him and showed him.

I started reading and my eyes widened with every word. It was written that if both partners are able to see the string then they have to go through trials. The string restricted them from separating for seven days. And on top of that, the string could break and cause both sides to become unable to feel love. I gulped loudly on that part and rushed to read what can rip the string. My eyes reached that part. It was said during the seven days of trial the relationship between the soulmates should be pure and innocent. I felt a chill running down my spine and turned to him seeing his serious-looking eyes. He showed me his phone.

"Kiss me!" was written on it and that scared me.

"Didn't you read just now what a kiss can cause?!" I asked and watched him typing some more on his phone.

"I don't care about love." he 'said' and made me mad. How was possible someone to don't care about love? But his eyes were saying it was as he said. So another thought got in my mind. What about me? He didn't even ask me if I wanted to be left unable to love. It made me angry.

"But I do!" I said a bit louder and the people from the near tables turned to look at us. I had to take a deep breath before looking again at him just to find him looking at me with empty eyes. I let out sight and touched his cheek softly making him confused. I didn't know why he was like that but I didn't like it.

"What's your name?" I asked realizing I never did before. "Sorry, I didn't ask earlier. I'm Park Seonghwa."

"Kim Hongjoong." he typed quickly and made me smile, his name was beautiful.

"Joongie, if it's not too much to ask, please come live with me for the next seven days," I said still holding his cheek and he bit his lip. Not many people would agree if strangers ask them something so sudden, but in our case it was different.

After a few minutes of awkward silence, he touched my hand and nodded. I understood, told him to wait for me, and went to pay the bill. Surprisingly the red string allowed me to go. I quickly gave the money to the girl and she smiled nicely trying to flirt with me but I ignored her because I felt how my left hand is pulled. So I returned to the mute boy that still looked at me with empty eyes. He showed me his phone and I read it. Then I took his hand in mine and we walked out going to his place to collect his things.


The whole situation was insane and I thought it was a dream but no matter what I wasn't waking up so I gave up and accepted it. After the cafe, we went to my place to get some of the things I needed for the upcoming week together. I got only what was needed, like some of my working equipment and he carried my things on the way to his place even with me protesting. He was a stubborn guy.

His apartment was a bit bigger than mine and surprisingly clean, maybe too clean for college student. He made space in the wardrobe for my clothes and I put them in then I went to the bathroom to leave my things there. When I came out he was waiting for me in the kitchen. He gave me a half grin and I felt uneasy.

"I'll make dinner so is there something I should know?" he asked me using his charming and kinda husky voice. I shook my head and he smiled fully. I just stayed there watching what he was doing.

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