Day 5

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"Oh come on, Hongjoong-ah, wake up!" I whined trying to wake him up so I could change the bedsheets, but he was refusing. He's warpped up like sushi, wanting to sleep some more but that was bothering me. I grabbed the blanket's edge and pulled it strong making him roll and fall on the floor. This earned me his angry grumpy look and probably curse, I couldn't say because his lips were moving too fast.

"Your breakfast is on the balcony, go there," I told him ignoring his sour look and he left the room with angry tiny steps. Maybe I needed to film that precious moment but was too late so I returned to my task. Took off the bedsheets and put them in the laundry basket before looking around for random dirty clothes, and of course, there were plenty of them. All the clothes were Hongjoong's and that didn't surprise me, he was the messy kind when it was about his belongings. I needed a couple of minutes to collect all of them but when I was done the room looked less messy but still dirty. I quickly put the laundry in the laundry machine and returned to the bedroom to clean it properly.


Hwa didn't lie, there was warm coffee and some sunny side eggs on the balcony's table. It made me forget the rough wake up and even smile slightly. I sat down on the couch and looked at the ashtray out of habit, there was more than just one cigarette, a lot more. Was he so stressed? I didn't notice it when I woke up but now it made sense. I decided to help him with the housework so I ate my breakfast quickly and drank the coffee, then I went to the kitchen to wash them. After washing the dishes I went to Hwa, who was still in the bedroom. He was trying to put new bed sheets on, but looked hard doing it alone, so I went to help him. He was surprised to see me, his face was saying it. But let me help him and we placed everything easily then I turned to him and 'said' I want to help him.

"It's okay, Joongie, I can do it all," he said and I crossed my arms then kicked the floor which was a mistake. I tripped and Hwa tried to catch me but both of us fell on the bed and I was under him. The weight of his body pressing me against the soft bed made me feel shy all of the sudden. My face was burning and his warm breath wasn't helping me.

"Are you okay?" he asked me and I nodded looking aside wanting to hide my probably red face. He let out a sigh and got up off of me, reaching out his hand to help me get up. I took his hand and got up, only to turn just to see the messed bed, it made me pout so I fixed it.

"You want to help me?" Hwa asked me while watching and I nodded for I don't know which time. He hummed and looked around before turning back to me.

"Go to the other rooms and see if there are clothes for washing, put them in the laundry basket. When you're done wipe the kitchens cupboards," he told me and I smiled running out of the room to do what he told me to.

There weren't many clothes, just his hoodie I used yesterday and a pair of socks. So that was done quickly and I went into the kitchen, there was a mess so I rolled my sleeves and embrace the challenge.


Hongjoong helping me was more troublesome than my regular cleaning. I had to redo everything after him. So he was the opposite of help but I couldn't tell him because he looked happy. After putting the laundry to dry on the small balcony I returned to the living room where Joong was wiping the dust from the top shelves. He was standing on top of his toes and seemed unstable. So I stood behind him and put my hand on his waist to keep him from falling but suddenly touching him made him shiver and turn his head looking at me redfaced.

"It's dangerous so I'll keep you save," I told him and he turned back returning to his work. To be honest, after seeing his cute red face I just wanted to watch him but he was absorbed in his work. He moved on higher shelve but because of his size it was impossible to reach it and he tripped, falling on me. Both end up on the floor and I hit my head on the hardwood but he was alright on top of me. And here it comes the uncomfortable part, his knee was pressing hard against my crotch turning me on. I tried to move him a bit from me but he stayed hugging me. This frustration made me grunt and Joong looked at me with big blue wet eyes and beautiful pouty lips. I felt like kissing him but one little voice in my head told me nothing good will follow if I do it.

"I'm alright, baby. Don't worry," told him petting his head. He still looked worried but I tried to get up to prove my point. It wasn't hard because he was light as a feather. However my head was so dizzy and my face was pale, I could see my reflection in his eyes.

"Okay let's take a break, please help me sit on the sofa," I said just to make him think about something else and he nodded then helped me. He made me sit down quickly and got my face in his tiny soft hands. His warm touch felt so nice, I put mine on his and leaned in his warmth. The red sting started glowing again and I could hear his heartbeat. His heart was racing like a horse so I looked him in the eyes and his face turned a darker shade of red, beautiful. It stopped quickly, I let go of his hand and pulled him by the waist making him sit on my lap.

"Can we stay like this for now?" I asked him and he smiled shyly, he was so cute. I moved a bit to make us sit more comfortable and his head ended up laying on my chest. This way I could hug him and play with his soft hair. He didn't mind our closeness and it made me smile wide while cuddling. Soon I caught myself becoming sleepy, my eyelids slowly closed and I drove to dreamland.


Seonghwa fell asleep a few minutes after we laid down cuddling but I couldn't follow his example so just laid there wide awake listening to his heartbeat. It was similar to the one I heard when the string lightened but a lot calmer. It helped me put in order my thoughts and could think for my work. A lot of new ideas for lyrics and beats came to my head and it was refreshing.

I'm not sure how much time passed since we laid down but it was probably long because I realized it's raining outside when it was already too late. I tried my best to get out of Hwa's arms without waking him up and went to the small open balcony where our laundry was hanging. It was already soaked wet from the rain but I still went outside to collect it so it could dry inside. However, I got soaked in the process and started shivering badly from the cold. And because it couldn't be better, Seonghwa now was standing at the hall watching me still sleepy, and even like that, I could tell he's not happy. He got closer and made me put the laundry basket down the made that angry bird look.

"Idiot, go take bath or you'll catch a cold," he said touching softly my cheek and I looked at him feeling guilty. He let out a tired sigh and his face softened like his touch then simply pushed me to the bathroom. There I took off my clothes and ran the hot water soon I could feel my fingers again. During the whole time, I could hear not the water but Seonghwa's worried heartbeat, it was lovely.


When Joongie came back after his shower he was wearing one of my large hoodies and a pair of my underwear. My boxers were a bit loosen but still fit comparing to the huge hoodie he was missed in. It was showing his skinny collar bones but he had big sweater paws and still showing his pale thighs, I had to look aside so I could stop myself from jumping on him. Then I saw his still wet hair which activated my motherlike instincts. I pulled him to sit on the sofa and went to get a towel, then stated drying his hair gently. He liked it and started making sounds similar to the cat's purring. I didn't know he was able to produce such a lovely sound. It was adorable. Very adorable. When I was done drying his hair he looked at me kinda disappointed it's over but then blushed and moved his gaze from me.

"So why my clothes?" I asked him and he turned to blush mess for I don't know which time today then pointed to the drying laundry at the other end of the room and I realized all his clothes were wet at the moment, even his underwear and I thanked God for which. Seeing him wear my boxers made it clear he's my boy and no one else's. Hongjoong is mine. The sound of that thought was so nice and sweet. I grinned and hugged him. Placing my head on his shoulder, lips barely brushing against the soft skin of his neck.


Later when we went to bed he shyly asked me to lay closer to him, usually, we were laying on both edges and ending up cuddling in our sleep. However tonight he cuddled like we did the whole day and even gave me a goodnight kiss on the cheek. He was way too cute and my heart couldn't handle it.

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