Bonus JongSang

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After dropping Seonghwa at hyung's place, I just drove around not knowing what to do for the rest of the night. I didn't want to go back home because of San and his boyfriend, and I didn't have a place to go. Driving around cleared my head, helped me put my thoughts in order, and calm down. While I was still mad, my phone rang a couple of times, the ringtone told me it was my older brother so I ignored him every time. After he gave up on calling me everything became quiet. That was when I started calming down, so I was fine my phone rang again. It was the song I gave to Yeosang Hyung. I know it well because we were talking often, he was the one I felt safe and comfortable to talk to. I grabbed my phone and looked at the contact's name, Yeosangel. A little smile pulled ay my lips and I picked up the call, wanting to hear his cute shy voice.

"Oh gods you picked up!" he said, his voice seeming concerned. "Where are you?"

"I'm not sure, just driving around the city," I answered and felt my voice being a bit emotionless.

"San called me and said you left home angry and since then you're not picking up his calls. I got worried something happened to you," he told me speaking fast. "Please go home," he said next.

"I don't want to," I simply answered him and Sangie made a small pause before continuing to talk.

"Then come to my place." his gentle voice was shy again. "Please come, it's no good to spend the night out. What if something bad happens?" He was adorable but his words made me a bit worried, it was the first time he was asking me to go to his place. It was my turn to make a small pause.

"Okay, hyung, I'll come. Send me your address and wait for me." I smiled lightly, warm feeling appeared in my chest, maybe that was the feeling of having someone out of your family worried for you. Was that what hyung felt towards that idiot Seonghwa? probably.

Sangie cut our call then my phone rang again this time it was a message, his address. I looked at it, took a turn, and drove there. In no time I was in front of the baby blue door of his home. I raised my hand about to knock but then I froze, my stomach was in a knot and my heart was racing. Why am I so nervous? I asked myself, but I had no time to answer because Sang opened the door and jumped on my neck hugging me. I simply stood there still being frozen, not knowing how I was supposed to respond. Once he let go of me he took my face in his soft hands and looked me all over. The concern was overflowing from his eyes and I felt ashamed of making him this way. I tried to apologize but he let go of my face and grabbed my hand pulling me inside. I couldn't even take my shoes off.

"Hyung, wait! My shoes..." I barely could say, but that was enough for him to come back to normal. he allowed me to take them off, he was beside me playing with his hands shyly. I touched his hand and he looked up then led me to his room. I stopped at the door. Was it right for me to get into his room? it was his personal space after all and I didn't want to intrude. Of course, he grabbed my hand again and pulled me right to his bed pushing me to sit down.

"Stay here," he told me, his voice shy again, and walked out of the room. I had enough time to look around, his room was simple. Framed comics covers, shelves filled with books, few drones, and skateboard. Somehow it was just like him. And the smell too, it was of something sweet and maybe violets or lilac. I liked it.

When Yeosang hyung came back to the room he was carrying a tray, on it there were few things I couldn't see. He placed the tray on the mini table next to his bed and I saw what was on it. Two cups of hot chocolate and a first aid kit. I watched him opening the box and taking a cotton ball and some alcohol, then he made me show him my hands. He started gently cleaning my wounds.

"What happened?" he asked working on my left hand. I looked at the table, avoiding his eyes before answering him.

"Seonghwa hurt hyung so we had a little talk," and he pressed the cotton ball harder on my skin when he heard it, I hissed lightly.

"I hope you didn't kill or I won't be able to forgive you." his voice was a bit cold and somehow painful.

"I didn't."

"Good," he said and gave me on of the cups. "This is for you, hope it's not too sweet," I heard his voice saying and I nodded before trying it. It was too sweet but I just drank it quickly and put the cup down, then turned to him, meeting his angelic beauty. Sangie looked nice even when he drank hot chocolate. At some point, he felt my gaze on himself and he put down the cup then looked me in the eyes. I felt my heart skip a beat, next second I felt his lips on mine. The kiss lasted only a few seconds but that was enough, It made me realize what I felt towards him. It was love, but not the friends kind.


After I kissed him I felt like dying because the warmth of his lips stayed on mine. I felt shy and tried to hide my probably dark red face. However, something in Jongho switched and he grabbed my wrists, but he wasn't using force, still holding me he pinned me onto the mattress. Our eyes met and I held my breath, he was looking at me in such a lovely way, I thought I was dreaming. It felt like the time suddenly stopped, there were only Jongho and I. Everything started once again when he pressed our lips together. His kisses were a bit sloppy at first but soon turned into more heated and passionate ones. Am I dreaming? Or am I in heaven? I thought when he moved his hands up holding mine. Jongho treated me gently as if I was made of glass.

When we pulled away to take a breath he looked at me seriously, his brown eyes piercing me.

"Kang Yeosang, I know we messed up the order of this but please, be my boyfriend," he said still breathing hard.

"Gladly," I grinned and he attacked my lips again but this time going down my jawline and neck. He was sucking, biting lightly, and licking my skin making me feel like melting under his touch. Soon he reached my shoulder and bit it harder, I couldn't say if this spot was bleeding because I didn't care.

"Ahh, Jongho." I moaned and he looked me up watching me in the eyes, lips still pressing on my skin. My heart skipped a beat."Can we go slower?" I asked him panting and he lifted a bit and kissed my forehead, moved to my ear next and I felt his hot breath against my skin.

"I'll only mark you as mine," he said in a very sexy way and I felt my face burning like there was a fire on it but still nodded. And because that wasn't enough he licked my ear and returned to my shoulder. What kind of monster I triggered?!


I pulled away from Yeosang when I felt we were close to going overboard. I looked down at the red panting mess he was and smiled proudly. Now no one would ever dare to touch him. Sangie covered his eyes using his arm, took a few seconds, and then got up. I followed him on the way to the bathroom and leaned on the door frame, watching him staring in the mirror. He was studying his hickeys and bite marks for a bit then turned to me and hit my chest, making me laugh.

"Are you proud of your work?" he asked me and I laughed, even more, he hit me again and I hugged him. "How do you expect me to hide all of this?" he said next and I felt a bit hurt because I worked so hard.

"Don't hide them," I said using my most dangerous weapon, puppy eyes, just like Yunho taught me. Yeosangie gave up, letting out a little sigh.

"I'll forgive you only this time," he said trying to be as serious as possible. "But no new marks until those fade out," he said and I nodded knowing that was a lie. after that, we returned to his room and laid down watching a movie. we slowly fell asleep cuddling.

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