Day 2

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I woke up to the sounds of sobbing. It was coming from the bed where he was sleeping and that made me concerned. I got up from the floor and walked closer to the bed just to see Hongjoong crying in his sleep. Why is he crying? I thought and sat beside him. His face looked painful and tiny tears were falling. Before I realize what I was doing my body moved on its own, wiping his tears.

"Shh, everything's alright," I whispered, still keeping my hand on his cheek. Hongjoong leaned on my hand, his face seeming calm now. I smiled and waited a bit before trying to pull my hand so I can go back to sleep. But he was holding my wrist so I couldn't leave. I let out a small sigh and looked at the clock beside my bed, it was only 3 am so I couldn't just stay and wait till morning. I carefully laid beside him seeing his face better now, gorgeous. After some time passed I felt my eyes were closing.


I felt warm and somehow secure when I woke up. It was so nice I snuggled to the source of warmth, then I suddenly remembered. Everything that happened yesterday was real. I opened my eyes to find myself clinging to Seonghwa. And he was just lying there awake allowing me to do so.

"Morning," he said and moved some hair from my face.

I blushed and moved away from him, before both of us can get up. He yawned and scratched his belly showing his abs. I immediately looked down and felt my face was heating up. This attracted his attention, he came closer and touched my cheek.

"Your face is a bit warm and red. Are you feeling sick?" he asked me and I quickly shook head trying to pull myself away from him. It made things awkward but he just ignored that and smiled kindly.

"I'll make coffee you can go use the bathroom first," he said and went to the kitchen leaving me alone in the bedroom. I let out a small sigh and went to use the bathroom. I got a quick shower which helped me calm down and put my thoughts in order. When I got out of the shower I put on comfy clothes from home, and took a deep breath before walking to the kitchen where he was.

I found Seonghwa on the kitchen's balcony. He was sitting there smoking a cigarette and drinking his coffee. I could see only his side profile and I thought he looks cool and different, somehow serious. I walked closer finding a cup of coffee on the table, got it, and went to him. He turned to me just in time to notice me shivering from the cold coming from the opened window. It made him smash his cigarette in the ashtray and close the window, then he took the blanket laying beside him and put it around my shoulders. His round eyes looked concerned for me.

"It's no good coming here after a shower, Joongie," he said and sat on the couch patting the place next to him. I sat there and looked at him then at the ashtray. He saw my confused face and giggled.

"I don't look like someone who smokes, right?" he said and I nodded. "Well, I'm not a big smoker but do smoke." I nodded again. I took a sip of my coffee and smiled, it was as I liked it.

"Do you eat breakfast in the mornings?" he asked me out of the blue, I needed a few seconds to understand the question and shake my head to say no. "I thought so." he hummed and looked me down and up. "The breakfast is an important meal you shouldn't miss. Wait here for a bit." I watched him getting up and going to the kitchen leaving me at the balcony alone.


After I found out he misses breakfast usually I went to the kitchen to prepare him a quick meal. Nothing too big just toast with cream cheese some ham and egg. I garb the plate and walked back to him to find him on my spot beside the window. He looked at me with his gorgeous blue eyes and I smiled then put the plate on the table in front of him. At first, Joong studied the breakfast then bowed head, his way to thank, then got the toast and bit big bite. For someone so small like him, his bite was huge.

I sat there watching him eat what I made and smiled at the appetite he ate it with. It was adorable seeing him so cheerful. At some point, some of the egg yolk stained his chin so I got a napkin and tried to wipe it for him but he sticks his tongue out not allowing me to do it. I could barely hold my laugh. He's adorable. I thought and got my pack of cigarettes.

"Would you mind if I smoke now?" I asked him while watching him chewing his last bite. He shook his head and opened the window next to him. "Thank you, Joongie."


After breakfast, we decided to stay in today and get to know each other some more because it was Sunday. We spent the morning on the balcony talking about random things like our college majors and work. It was nice to get to know him. Later we helped each other, he helped me make our lunch and I helped him place his music equipment so he could work. He did the whole afternoon. I watched him writing song lyrics and composing. Hongjoong was way too absorbed in his work and that worried me. I was bringing him snacks and drinks. At some point, I had to scold him for neglecting his own body. And he just rolled his gorgeous eyes ignoring my words, so I just put a slice of orange in his mouth and crossed arms on my chest. He jumped slightly from the surprise and then chewed the orange. After that, I went to get my laptop and sat near him so I could do my own work and keep an eye on him. To be honest it was fun taking care of him. It was like taking care of a little grumpy kitty.


I finished the music background for my song and straightened my back because I felt stiff after sitting for so long but I was used to it. So I stretched and leaned in the chair. A second later there was a cup placed in front of me. I turned to see Hwa's warm smile beside me.

"Good work today, Joongie," he said and started massaging my shoulders, it was relaxing. "May I hear your work?" he asked me then and I nodded playing my music.

It was a soft melody with a medium tempo, including vocoder sounds. I made it so once the vocals are added they will blend perfectly. The name of the song was Sunrise because it reminded me of the way the sun was rising from the night. I turned to my side and saw his face. His expression said he liked the song so I smiled.

"I didn't know you were so good," he said and I looked at him with slightly furious eyes, underestimating me was something people did often. "But what about the lyrics you wrote? Who will sing them?" he asked and I just typed quickly on my laptop.

"My friends Jongho, Mingi, and Yunho usually help me with that," I answered and he nodded understanding but his face wasn't happy. "Do you want to try and help me too?" I asked for some reason and he looked me wide-eyed.

"Me?"Hwa pointed himself and I nodded. "But I'm not a singer."

"It won't hurt if we try, right?" I smiled to encourage him and he agreed. After that, I gave him the lyrics and quickly explained how the color sections worked, green for high notes, red for calm/normal notes, and blue for rap. He understood it and I 'told' him to just follow the melody if he has problems.

I placed the mic in front of him and gave him my headphones. He made himself comfortable and showed me a thumb up when he was ready. I just played the music and soon his beautiful voice filled the room leaving me in awe. He was a better singer than I thought and wasn't bad as a rapper too. Hwa's style was for sure different than my friends but it was a nice plus to my work.

"How was that?" he asked me after I saved the recording, so I just played it for him. The surprise on his face was worth it.

"Thank you." I wrote and he turned to me having such a lovely smile it was unfair.

"I should thank you, Joongie," he said giggling and got up from his spot giving me his hand to take. "Now let's eat, dinner is ready."

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