Test Subjects - Part 1

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Summary: Class 78 have been kidnapped and used for illegal human experimentation. Resulting in super powers of sorts.
Ships: none

*Takaaki Ishimaru POV*
I pick up the picture of my son I always have on my desk. Kiyotaka went missing about six months ago. He left to go to Hopes Peak one morning and never came home. Apparently fourteen other students went missing on the exact same day. We already questioned all of the teachers and the principle, but none of them seem to know anything. More than that, they're all almost as distressed about the situation as I am. Almost. I put the picture back on my desk and sigh, covering my face with my hands. I won't stop looking for him. Not until they lower me six feet into the ground. I glance at my phone and see that it's three am. I haven't had a full nights sleep in six months, I don't think I'm going to until I know Taka's safe. Originally I was one of the officers looking for him. They removed me from the case because I was 'emotionally unstable'. I should be out there looking for him, not sulking in my office. I sigh again, opening my phone. Maybe I can find something to distract me. Just then, my phone rings, penetrating the silence. I almost drop it while trying to press answer. I hit the green button and raise the phone to my ear.
"Hello?" My voice is hoarse. I can't remember the last time I used it. I recognize the voice as Hansuke Nakamura, the lead detective in class 78's case.
"We think we found him."
My eyes widen. Is this a joke? It can't be, no one would be that cruel. I hope. I hang up the phone without saying another word and dash out to my car. I don't even stop to grab my jacket, even though it's fifty degrees outside. The car ride seems to pass in less than a second and I'm running through the doors of the police station. When I get inside, I see Nakamura with a few of the other missing kids' relatives, and a teenage girl with blonde hair and... very revealing clothes. I make a beeline for the detective.
"Where is he?" I growl, ready to go in guns blazing if it meant my son came home. He places his hands up in a 'slow down' gesture.
"We need to wait for the rest of the families first." He says in a calming tone. Part of me wants to snap at him, but I know that Taka's not the only kid that's missing here. Parents, siblings, and friends soon pile into the room while I tap my foot impatiently. Why can't they get here faster? I look down at my phone and see that it's only been about five minutes. It feels like years have already passed. In reality, most of them get here pretty quickly. Why wouldn't they, when kids lives are on the line? Once there are enough worried faces in the room, Nakamura speaks.
"I got an anonymous tip that the missing teenagers are in an abandoned warehouse on the outskirts of town." He shouts over the impatient mutters.
"But we can't do anything until we know for sure that they're in there." The blonde interrupts him, seemingly looking for an excuse to speak.
"That's where I come in!" She squeals.
"My name is Miu Iruma! I'm the ultimate inventor at Hopes Peak!" She waves her arms in a grand gesture. Nakamura lightly nudges her to the side, looking uncomfortable.
"Yes... Miss Iruma has invented a near microscopic recording drone, and is willing to help us infiltrate the warehouse." He states. I stop tapping my foot and start shaking my whole leg. I normally pace when I'm nervous, so not being able to move is damaging my focus. Iruma places a hand on her barely covered chest.
"I always knew my babies would be destined for greatness!" She sighs. A man with a black pompadour speaks up.
"Well then start the damn thing already!" He shouts. I give a curt nod, wanting nothing more than to know my son is alive. Iruma rolls her eyes, unfocused on the matter at hand, and takes out a small container. She types a few things on the four monitored computer on the desk beside her while she fiddles with some sort of controller. In no time, the monitors show the room we're in and is rapidly moving away from us. A small man with dirty blonde hair and glasses gasps.
"Incredible! I didn't even see the drone!" He exclaims, adjusting his glasses. One girl in a huddle, witch I recognize as a popular idol group, scoffs.
"Who cares about that? We want to see Sayaka!" Iruma sighs, rolling her eyes again.
"I'm getting there. Calm your tits!" I ignore the foul language and focus on the screens. This has to be it. I don't know if I can handle it if it's not. The drone moves remarkably fast, buildings and cars passing in a blur. We're out of town in what feels like no time at all. Iruma keeps her eyes on the screens as she follows the directions Nakamura gives her. Hardly anyone lives here. The people who do normally run farms or plantations, so the warehouse hasn't been used in decades. Rust stains metal walls, and the doors are barely able to open or close. Because of this, Iruma finds a crack in the front door, and pilots the drone through it.
"And we're... in..." She trails off, surprised. The inside of the old building looks nothing like the outside. The walls, floor, and ceiling are all a pristine white, giving off the look of a hospital. The first room is filled with strange, professional looking equipment. Two men in lab coats come into the room, deep in conversation.
"Subject number 26785 has become unresponsive." The man on the left says.
"What do you mean unresponsive?" The other questions, coming to a stop in the middle of the room and checking a screen.
"He's alive, but in an almost trance-like state. He's refusing to eat, sleep, or even move." My chest tightens in fear. What if 'he' is Taka? I watch as the man on the screen sighs.
"Such a shame... he was so interesting too..." that's all we get before the two men leave the room. I look around to find it full of worried faces similar to mine. The guy with the pompadour and the blonde next to him, we're holding onto each other for dear life. As Iruma piloted the drone out of the room, I decide to move over to them.
"Are you two alright?" I mumble. The two look at me, slightly startled that I came up to them.
"I'm Takaaki Ishimaru." I say, holding out my hand. The boys take turns shaking it.
"I'm Daiya Owada and this is Takemichi Yukimaru." The black haired man introduced. I nod and glance back up at the screens. Nothing yet.
"So who's your missing kid?" I shove my hands in my pockets, taking a deep breath. The blonde, Takemichi, responds.
"Our brother, Mondo. It's been pretty rough without him..." I nod in understanding and place a reassuring hand on his shoulder, my paternal instincts kicking in. These kids can't be older than nineteen. Daiya sighs.
"What about you?" He asks me, eyes darting to the screen for an instant.
"My son, Kiyotaka." I say solemnly. Daiya pats me on the back once, giving me a bit of comfort.
"Damn... sorry man." I smile a little and nod. "It's alright. With any luck we'll have them back by tomorrow morning, right?" I try to put a little positivity in the room, for the others sake and my own. Takemichi returns my smile.
"Yeah... hopefully." We're snapped out of our conversation by Iruma's excited voice.
"I think I found something!" She squeals, piloting the drone through a long hallway filled with doors. She stops by the door at the very end of the hall and reads the plaque on the side.
"Subject number #58340." She starts to maneuver around the door frame.
"I think I can..." she trails off, biting her lip in focus. She barely manages to squeeze her way through the frame, leaving me impressed. She wasn't lying when she said it was near microscopic. What we see inside is a small boy with brown hair kneeling on the floor. He is in a white shirt and pants that don't  look very comfortable. A girl that looks very similar to the boy jogs to the front of the room.
"That's my brother! That's Makoto!" Tears start streaming down her face and a huge smile spreads across her features. Her celebration is shut down quickly as a bright light suddenly fills the room the boy was in. It was so bright it forces the entire room to look away.
"What is that?!" Someone yells. Then just as quickly as the light came, it went away. We recover quickly and look back to the screen. The boy looks unbothered, if a little scared. He holds out a shaking hand and the blinding light returns. We look away again and I hear Owada speak up.
"Is he making that happen?!" He shouts, holding his hands in front of his face.
"I don't know!" I respond.
"Why are we shouting?!" Iruma butts in.
"I don't know that either!" I snap back. The light goes away once again and the boy looks much worse. Sweat drips down his forehead as he gasps for breath. He's trembling  with a look of focus, as if he's trying to keep the light in.
"We should move to the next room before we go blind." An older man in a well pressed suit, says sharply. The rest of us nod in agreement and Iruma pilots the drone to the next room.
"Subject number #48624." She reads. Inside is a girl with long blue hair curled up into a ball on the uncomfortable looking bed. Iruma moves closer and I realize that the girl is singing softly to herself.
"Singing so bright is what makes me feel alive... it's the life I decide as I run and belt throughout the night..." The idol group starts to sing along with her.
"Right by your side, you had said ever so kind... it's your voice that is guiding me and gives me peace of mind..." The girl who spoke up earlier gives a sob as she speaks up.
"That's Sayaka!"
The next room holds the famous heir the the Togami family. Ice grows on the walls and floor, spiking up rudely at Togami's feet. The blonde takes it in stride, seeming only slightly annoyed at the freezing temperature. The old man, who I assume is a butler of some sort, speaks up.
"I don't think I need to tell you who that is." He smirks.
Next was a girl with short, black hair and red eyes. ( I choose to ignore the fact that they're contacts ) She looked normal for the most part. That is, until a large fire started on the already charred bed. A few scientists enter with a fire extinguisher. When the girl saw the men in coats, the fire on the bed grew larger.
Two of the scientists held her back as the third put out the fire. They roughly shove her to the ground before leaving. How in the hell did that fire even start? This whole thing has been bizarre.
"That's our daughter, Celestia." A very rich looking couple states, looking very bored of this whole ordeal. Aren't they relieved to know their kid is safe? Well... maybe not safe... alive more like it.
The next room has a boy with red hair and a goatee. He was panting at the side of the room, looking very beat up.  Suddenly, he turns into a blur and rams into the wall across from him, a pained grunt escaping him. The poor kid continues to do this, moving so fast that he can't stop himself.
"That's my cousin Leon!" A girl with a blonde bob cut exclaims. Each kid that's revealed boosts my confidence. If everyone else is alive, then, surely, so is Taka!
The next rooms plaque said 'subject #26785' I remember the scientists talking about this person. It feels like a month has gone by since we eves dropped on that conversation. I hold my breath as Iruma maneuvers the camera through the door frame. I release it in a sigh of relief as I see a boy with brown dreadlocks huddled in the corner of his room. A woman with pink hair and a cigarette runs closer to the monitors.
"That's my baby boy, Hiro!" She sobs. The boy is sitting in the fetal position, his hands gripping his hair. He's staring off into space with a terrified look on his face. He looks incredibly overwhelmed. I wonder what he's seeing...
We move into the next room and find a boy with blonde hair kneeling in the middle of the room focusing intently on his hands. The two boys next to me smile wide and shout.
"That's Mondo!" I smile a little as well, happy for them. The boy in question has a strained look on his face. Looking closer, I see sparks of electricity dancing in between his fingers. He seems to be in complete control until what looks like a food tray falls into the room from a slit in the door. The small distraction is enough to make him lose it as the sparks quickly travel down his arms and cover his entire body. The room is filled with the poor boys shrieks of pain until the electricity subsides and he collapses onto the floor, the food tray now reduced to ash.
"Mondo!" Takemichi exclaims, tears threatening to fall. I place my hand on his shoulder again.
"He's going to be fine. Look." I gesture to the monitors.
"He's still breathing. He's still alive." I tell the distressed brothers. They go back to clinging to each other as Daiya starts to cry.
"That's my baby brother..." He sobs, burying his face into Takemichi's shoulder. I pull them both into a hug as Iruma leaves the white room. These poor kids...
The next room has a girl with lilac hair holding her head in bear hands as she rocks side to side on her bed. It looks like she's having a bad migraine. I can't imagine the bright fluorescent lights are helping her much. An older man steps up, a small smile on his face.
"That's Kyoko, my granddaughter." I'm happy for him, but I can't deny that I'm getting a little impatient. When am I going to get confirmation that my son is okay?
The next room has a girl with purple braids and glasses sitting on her bed. Her eyes are watering and it looks like she's trying hard not to blink. When she finally gives in, she doesn't open her eyes for a while, wincing. When she does, she looks directly at the camera, a hopeful smile coming across her face. She waves a little before closing her eyes and wincing again. A chill runs down my spine as I realize that we're visible.
"How was she able to see us?" I ask the inventor. Iruma looks just as surprised as the rest of us.
"I-I don't know! This baby isn't supposed to be visible to the naked eye..." She mumbles worriedly. A girl with black hair and military gloves speaks up.
"It looks like the rest of them have powers of some sort. Maybe she can see things other people can't." I wouldn't be surprised. This whole thing has been insane.
We move to the next room and see a small boy with blonde hair laying down on his bed, seemingly asleep. The man with glasses speaks up.
"That's-" He cuts himself off as the boy starts flickering in and out of visibility. Eventually turning completely invisible.
"That's my son, Chihiro." He finishes. Eyes still wide from shock. Nakamura suddenly speaks up.
"We need to wrap this up. Move quickly." He instructs Iruma. The latter gives a playful salute and moves into the next room.
The next person is stranger than anything we've seen yet. Their appearance is changing rapidly, so we can't quite tell who they are.
"Who else is left?" I ask Nakamura. He looks down at his clipboard and lists of names.
"Aoi Asahina, Junko Enoshima, Sakura Ogami, and-" He glances up at me.
"Kiyotaka Ishimaru." I nod in understanding.
"So we'll look at the other rooms and whoever we don't see is whoever this person is." I state confidently. Everyone nods and we leave the anonymous teenager be.
Iruma squeezes through the next door frame and I find myself paralyzed.
My son is sitting cross legged in the middle of the room. A thousand emotions run through my head. Each one is so intense that I can barely speak.
"That's Taka. That's my son." My voice is barely above a whisper, even though I feel like I'm screaming it. I'm brought back to the present when Owada slaps me on the back.
"Happy for ya man!" He gives me a smile and a thumbs up. I smile back, happier than I've ever been in my life. My relief is cut short, however, when a tray of food comes in through the slot in Taka's door. He grabs the tray quickly, starting to eat the disgusting looking slop on it. I guess, given his situation, he'll eat anything at this point. He swallows his first bite of food before remembering to thank whoever gave it to him.
"Thank-" It looks like it was supposed to be a whisper, but that one word is absolutely deafening. I cover my ears on instinct and close my eyes. I wait for a while for my ears to stop ringing and look back up to the screen.
Taka looks disappointedly at his glass of water, which is now shattered on the floor.
"Jesus Christ!" Iruma shouts, seemingly not over the noise quite yet. Nakamura clears his throat.
"Let's move quickly." Iruma nods and pilots the drone away from my son. I force down the urge to stop her. I can't be selfish right now. Only two left.
A girl with brown hair and dark skin is next. She looks completely normal. Nothing strange happening to or around her, confusing me a bit. She gets her tray of food and, as soon as the glass of water was placed on the floor, the water inside begins to float. A boy who looks almost identical to her steps up.
"That's Hina, my sister!" He says, amazed at the ability his sister now possessed. Hina was busier trying to drink the water that wouldn't stop levitating above the cup. She eventually just took a bite out of the small orb of water as if it were and apple. It surprisingly worked.
The last person was a very muscular girl with white hair. She had pink cherry blossoms growing all over her face and arms. She was pacing restlessly and following her footsteps was a trail of flowers and other plants. She stopped pacing and grabbed one of the cherry blossoms on her face. Taking a deep breath, she yanked it out with a cry of pain.
Blood started to flow from the place the flower used to be and she tried to make it stop with her hand. Before long, another flower grew in the same spot and stopped the bleeding. She sighed and started pacing again.
A sickly looking man walked closer to the monitors.
"That is Sakura Ogami. My apprentice." Ah, so that means the other person must be Enoshima. Nakamura speaks up.
"Alright, everyone's accounted for. Iruma call the drone back." She nods sternly and the camera starts moving back toward town. Nakamura turns toward us, dialing a number on his phone.
"We're calling everyone we've got for this." He looks at me with sympathy.
"Except you Ishimaru." I huff in disappointment. At least people I trust are going. Nakamura takes turns making eye contact with each and every one of us.
"We're getting them back. No matter what."
So there may be a bit of confusion about some of the students abilities. I'll tell you about the more obscure one I couldn't tell you about.

Sayaka: when she sings, she can hypnotize whoever hears it. It doesn't work over recording so that's why no one got hypnotized.

Celeste: she can start fires with her mind. That's it.

Hiro: he can see every single result of every single choice that every single person makes. He doesn't know how to turn it off so he's basically paralyzed for now.

Kyoko: she has increased memory and intelligence to the point that she constantly has awful migraines.

Toko: when she closes her eyes, she can see through the eyes of someone she knows. She knew the camera was there because she saw through one of her moms eyes for a minute.

Hina: along with control over water, she has a second ability. When her skin makes contact with water, she can tell exactly how many organisms are living in that body of water. Down to microscopic germs.

That's it! Hope you enjoyed!

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